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The dreaded day had come. The sun shone brightly above the village. It seemed to be a paradox to Brenna.

She stood in her hut as the old woman poked and prodded her to measure her size.

Ingrid had the measurements down to a tee. Her dress was the color of snow with a simple black leather corset across her middle. Brenna had requested something light and modest. Ingrid had faithfully delivered.

Brenna could care less how the dress looked. She simply wished to get the whole ordeal over with.

Once her dress was adjusted to perfection, Brenna pulled on black leather boots that matched the corset piece.

Astrid braided Brenna's hair and weaved a strand of gold thread into the hair. Astrid also had picked several wildflowers to insert into her white blonde locks.

Her Kransen was made from numerous primrose flowers tied onto silver wires. Rose quartz was sprinkled in and woven through the wire. The Kransen further decorated her blonde locks.

Now that Brenna was ready, she was escorted outside to where the crowd waited.

Brenna walked in between the crowd of people who now formed a path.

She did not smile as she stood beside her soon to be husband. Colborn took Brenna's hands in his as the Jarl initiated the ceremony.

"Colborn Asulf, do you swear to Odinn to be a loyal husband and protect thy wife?" The Jarl said.

"I swear to Odinn I do." He answered.

"Brenna Asgeir, do you swear to Odinn to be a loyal wife and perform your wifely duties?"

Brenna bit her lip and hesitated a moment before answering. This action caused Colborn to painfully squeeze her hands.

She swallowed the lump in her throat.

"I swear to Odinn I do." She said apathetically.

"Eirik, present the swords." The Jarl said.

A large man with dark blonde locks and bright green eyes knelt as he held the swords out to Colborn and her.

She took the sword that was her late father's in her hands. Colborn took his ancestor's sword as well.

They traded swords as part of the ancient tradition.

Next, a lamb and and a sow were sacrificed to the gods Thor and Freyja for fertility.

Brenna closed her eyes as she heard the sow squeal before they slit it's throat. They did the same to the goat and let the blood run into the sacrificial bowl.

Now the Jarl placed the bowl at the altar and dipped fir-twigs into the blood.

Brenna held her breath as the blood was sprinkled over her face. She opened her eyes as they did the same for Colborn.

Now they were wed. There was no backing out now.

"Now, we feast!" The Jarl announced.

Colborn grabbed Brenna's hand as he led her to the dining tent. Colborn threw his hand out before she crossed the threshold. Colborn then stabbed his sword into the ceiling, the depth judged how long the marriage would last. Brenna's heart sunk when he buried it to the hilt.

He carried her over the threshold and set her down at the table. Before they could eat ,however; Ingrid placed Thor's hammer upon her lap. This blessed her with the gift of fertility.

After a few moments with the hammer on her lap, Ingrid took it back. Now the people began to eat.

Brenna ate slowly because of her cramping stomach. Colborn watched her eagerly with his coal black eyes.

She tried to eat as slow as possible, delaying the inevitable.

Colborn drank mug after mug of ale. Brenna swigged down one mug before she felt woozy. She was a lightweight, that was for sure.

She hoped she would not remember this night. It would ultimately be the worst of her life. That, she was sure.

Colborn was growing impatient with her. He lifted her from her seat and set her on the ground. She stumbled and he caught her with a firm grasp.

Three of the Northmen accompanied the pair as well as three of the women of the village.

They had to bear witness to the consummation of their marriage. They walked in silence to Colborn's hut.

Colborn stopped them at the door as he ushered his bride inside. He swiftly shut the door and locked with a click behind him.

Brenna felt the room was spinning. She giggled as she spun in delicate circles. Her hope was that he would see her drunken state and put the consummation off.

She had no such luck as he lifted her to the bed.

"Strip, woman." He commanded.

Getting a burst of attitude, Brenna glared back at him.

She placed her hands on her hips and slurred her words.

"No! I welll not have yer disgustin' handz touch me..."

Brenna let out a loud belch, to which Colborn chuckled.

"If you do not undress, I will have to do it for you." He threatened.

"I will not lay with you..." She slurred. Brenna began to sway and fell backwards on to her backside on the bed.

Her stomach churned as she could feel the ale rising back up. Colborn began taking off his clothes.

He sat next to her in bed and began pulling the strings holding her dress on.

The ale came back up and she vomited all over Colborn's chest.

He roared in anger and threw back his fist to strike her. When all the sudden, Brenna slipped into unconsciousness.

Colborn stared at her dumfounded.

Losing his appetite for the night's planned events, he pulled his pants and tunic on and stormed out to the bath house.

Brenna smiled as she pretended to be unconscious. Crisis averted, she thought. Now all she had to do was pretend to be asleep the whole night.

She had not intended to lose her dinner on him, however; that was a blessing in itself.

She wondered what she would do the following night as she had no more tricks up her sleeve.

Finally, she drifted into a dreamless sleep.

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