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The rising sun illuminated the scorched battlefield. Smoke rose in curling tendrils to the sky.

The stench of burnt flesh permeated the air. The survivors rounded up their dead first. They wrapped them in whatever was handy, cloaks, furs or linens.

They piled them all onto the gigantic vessel. The men pushed the ship off the shore.

Torsten lit the vessel aflame at the mast.

He jumped down and the people observed as the mighty ship carried their dead away.

There was a pregnant pause as they watched the burning ship disappear over the horizon.

Torsten turned his gaze towards Astrid who held her twin boys in tired arms.

Torsten reached out for Calder and held him to his chest.

Astrid gave a small smile in appreciation. Together, the people walked past the village of ashes and into the woods.

As they walked, Torsten glanced at Astrid.

"Marry me." He said in a whisper.

Sometimes the people we love get burned. All it takes is a spark, then it turns into a blazing inferno. It is our choice to run into the fire or run far away. But know this, even if you are engulfed in an iron fire, your memory will be imprinted in the hearts you left behind.

-Taylor Brown (Author)

The End!

I have a sequel coming out, although it's more of an exaggerated spin-off of some themes in the original.

This one involves dragons and fair maidens. Let me know if it's something you're interested in.

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