they attack him

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Shawn POV

Getting to the airport and finding a parking spot close to the elevators. I try and go find Sukie and Brodie having no idea where they might be. Remember them saying to try and find them at baggage claim.

Getting to baggage claim. With my hat, glasses, and hoodie over my hat trying to disguise myself from anyone. Trying also not to look suspicious to workers or other travelers.

Hearing a squeal behind and then what sounds like running. I turn around and all I see is a person running towards me and tackling me to the ground. Actually tackling me to the ground.

"Oh my God oh my god" she says repeatedly. Assuming it's Sukie since Brodie is blonde.

"Ow, sukie are you okay" sitting up after a couple minutes of laying on the floor with her still on top of my crushing my waist with her arms. Looking down at her seeing her shaking her head and hiding her face.

Rolling off of me she covers her face trying not to look at me. "I refuse to believe that you are real right now and this is happening."

"I am real and this is happening no get off of the floor people are starting to stare" getting up off the floor pulling her up with me.

Looking over and seeing a tall brunette pulling a short blonde girl towards us. Seeing slapping his hand to let her go and what looks like she trying to stop him from getting any closer.

"HEY Brod I don't bite you can come over here" making her look up from his hand, eyes going wide and stopping in place looking straight at me. Opening my arms to welcome her. Shaking her head at me but still walking over to me. Once at arms length from me I pull her in.

"Hi" I say feeling her arms wrap around me. Feeling and hearing her heavely sigh and start shaking I wrap my arms around her tighter. Turning around to look at Sukie seeing her trying to wipe the tears away.

"Fuck, I told myself I wasn't going to cry. I can't right now."

Grabbing onto to her arm and puling her into the hug.

"It feels so nice to finally meet you guys." saying that makes Brod crying even harder.

"I'm sorry Brod shhh stop crying, you're scaring me"

Pulling away from them looking around and seeing Levi filming the interaction.

"I'm fine, I'm fine just give me a minute"

Going over to Levi and formally getting him. Asking how he was and other stuff. Turning back to the girls telling them that we have to wait a little bit since Kay and Cass are landing soon. And we will go eat after they get here.

Kay and Cass get to the airport they have a moment even though they already met shawn. Once they leave the airport they get in the car and drive straight to a restaurant to eat.

All the girls finally get to Toronto all of their reactions are like Brodie's not wanting to get near Shawn or like Sukie trampling him.

One that really stuck out was Katt's cause uhh.. Katt got a little aggressive....

Let's just say Shawn has a bruise now.

She was just trying to make sure that he was real.

Ladies and gentlemen the good shit is about to commence.

Get ready


I can't listen to country music while writing or I'll get distracted. I skipped them coming in because I really want to get to all of the good stuff so...

And this is short af but I wanted to put something out.

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