sad bitch hours

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Twitter Groupchat:

Previously on Groupchat:


Tori: it's sad bitch hours brb gotta go listen to consequences



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Ella: ME

Ella: I'm reading lovefool and listening to depressing music

Tori: she even wore a stealers jersey

Tori: what's lovedool

Tori: lovedool

Tori: lovedool

Tori: lovedool

Tori: God Dam

Ella: its cate's fanfic

Ella: tori you're like high

Yocelin: I'm reading a David fanfic and dumbass made his way into it

Ella: skskdk


Katt: me rn

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Katt: me rn

Katt: so I was supposed to be moved to pit today

Katt: then floor

Katt: then put

Katt: that didnt happen

Cate: ella 🤧


Ella: WHOT

Ella: WHY

Tori: wait what why

Katt: my life SUCKS

Tori: I'm so hurt and it didn't even happen to me

Katt: the bodyguard couldn't leave the spot he was guarding and we had to have wrist bands to get on the floor

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