shawn rants

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I'm going to say this once and once only. I'm never going up such a tall building ever again. Got it" yocelin says, grabbing onto a grocery cart and pushing it towards the store.

"It looked like you were about to shit your pants when he started pulling you towards the glass floor" brod says.

"Because i was actually about to shit my pants, i was about to give him another bruise on the other side of his face"

"It wasn't even that bad, stop being so dramatic you flew in a metal box for like 5 hours" shawn scoffs, trying to defend himself.

"Who said I was okay on the flight here, I really don't want to get back on another plane but I really don't have the choice don't I" yocelin says back to him.

Some of the girls ended up going to the grocery store with Shawn to get some snacks since Shawn has absolutely no food in his fridge or pantry. He rarely even home so what's the point of having food delivered to you right? perks of steal young girls money.

"okay what are even getting" Kay says.

"I have no idea I guess just get things you know that yall would eat, I don't really care" shawn says going into the produce section.

"Ooo you guys should get things for dishes that you like and yall can make them"


"damn did yall buy the whole store or what" cass says once she opens the door for shawn who was carrying most of the bags.

"pretty much, we actually bought more products to make actual food than junk food. What are yall doing" Shawn says after dropping the bags on the island and going back to take off his shoes.

"Oh uh were watching youtube videos we are currently watching "The Secret World of Jeffree Star. but were almost down with it." Madison says her body all the way inbetween the two of the big whie cushions that are bigger than her upper body.

Going back to the kitchen putting everything they bought in their corresponding place in the cabinets or the fridge.

"Oh my god i can't, bro so yall know how some of us posted before we got her that we were coming to toronto and then we just posted on twitter the skyline from the balcony" tori says sitting up with phone in hand looking like she was scrolling very fast staring shockly at her phone at the same time.

"yeah, let me guess one of the post that yall posted went around all over stan twiiter and you're getting shit on by them" shawns says walking back and laying on the couch.

"yes they figured out who we were because of when you replied to some of our tweets or something" she replies back to them showing her phone to micah who was laying beside her.

You can never go on one platform and it not be toxic place you go on twiiter you have fans that are happy for you while others are shitting on you thinking that what they say will make them feel better. Than you go on instagram those fans aren't as bad but they flat out just say to go kill yourselves even if it was just a harmless photo.

"Why do fans have to attack other fans just for meeting me? I always see it on my timeline like with one girl she always meets me in London or other people that i notice on twitter. They are always the ones I see getting attacked by other fans. So what that I notice and reply to the same people mulitple times they happen to be on my timeline and I like whatever they tweeted. Nothing gets more on my nerves than fans not being able to be happy for others they just have to ruin the happiness of others just for their own satisfaction." stopping himself with his rant not wanting to go any further.

Leaving all the girls stunned at the mini rant he had just given.

"damn i did not know you had that in you, yes let it all out Shawn, but foreal i don't getting why people have to ruin the day of a person just to feel better of themselves" Tori says still looking at her phone and scrolling, making shawn leaning over and take her phone out of her hand to see all the messages that she is getting.

"Yeah, how about we don't look at these at all, I'm going to tell yall know since you guys are coming with me to multiply shows and you guys are going to be around me 24/7 you will be paparazzied and it will bring more hate. But I'll try my best to not have paparazzi around when you guys come with me."

Giving Tori back her phone he reaches for his own phone that was laying near the controllers. Going onto twitter and decided to post the picture they all took at the diner in the morning. Posting it turning off his and throwing it back on the coffee table.

"Okay lets watch some youtube videos shall we. Everyone off there phones" grabbing the remote and pressing play on the video. Wanting to get this topic off his mind for the time being.

In a couple of days something amazing will be happening that will really break one of the girls by like A LOT.


i suck at writing that's all I have to say.

make sure to vote <3333
see yall next time

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