cn tower

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Shawn's POV

Walking out of my room and into the living room. The first thing that I see is Yocelin and Noor both fast asleep on the couch. Noor is basically hanging off the couch. Looking over at the clock seeing it's nine am.

Walking over into the kitchen to make myself my daily tea, I hear the guest shower running. Looking into the theather room and seeing two of the girl up and going through their bags.

Heading to the cabinet where i keep all my tea i grab the green tea that is right in front. Grabbing the kettle and pouring water into it and putting it on the stove to heat.

"Morning" i hear from behind me.

"Hey Katt, everyone still sleeping" trying to find where alll my mugs went.

"I think so kay is up but she's just laying there" she says laying her head on the counter.

"Oh okay, do you want some tea" I ask turning back around to face her.

"I'm fine I don't like tea, do you have coffee? I can really use some of that right now"

"yeah I'll get it started for you"

Going to the cabinet to find the coffee grounds. I hear a big thump come from the living room followed with a groan.

"Well it looks like Noor is up now" I say informing katt who had jumped from her spot looking alarmed.


{Third POV}

"Its been so long since I've steeped foot in this place. I still looks the same damn" shawn says feeling a little nostalgic when walking into the diner he hadn't stepped into in over four years.

"have you really not been here since you've shot the lyric video" ella ask looking around herself seeing the booth that he sat in. While also trying to supress the fangirl inside that is trying to crawl out.

I'm suprised the most of the girls haven't cracked yet at the fact that they are spending so much time with him. Except for Katt and Brod we all know what happened with them.

"I'm suprised I haven't been here since it's not even that far from where I live"

"Well if it isn't the one and only Shawn Mendes" says a middle aged man coming out of from what looks like the kitchen. Engaging into a conversation the girls look around the small diner.

"Is it just me or does this look even smaller than it did in the video" Sukie says in a hushed tone.

"I like it. It's a small in a cute way, you know' Susie says walking over and sitting in the same booth Shawn sat in. "We can have a mini photoshoot"

"oooh I like that idea, i have a feeling we will be having a lot of photoshoots in the next coming weeks" Noor says limping over to the booth and sitting across from her.

"uhm Noor why are you limping" emily ask grabbing the menu and scanning through it.

"I fell of the couch this morning and hit my ankle on the coffee table. It hurts really bad but at least it's just one hurting nothing serious" she says.

"How the fuck did you fall off the couch" susie ask trying to hold her laughter in.

"When I walked into the living room from my room I saw her kind of dangling on the side of the couch. I thought she would be fine I guess not" shawn says finally sitting down by Susie.

"Hey at least I didn't die on your watch"


"those were the fluffiest pancakes I have ever seen in my whole life. I didn't think I could finish them" brod groans while holding on to here full stomach while walking around the outside of the CN Tower.

"Bro the CN looks so much bigger than I expected I expect it to be a big ass thing but I guess I just misjudged" Micah says staring up into the sky looking at the big sphere that was above her.

Seeing as they had finished breakfast at the diner they had decided to do a little bit of sightseeing. First on the list as it infamous CN tower that everyone knows especially with Shawn's love for posting a quick Instagram story of his view every time he comes back home.

"You guys just going to stay out here staring at it or do you want to go inside and see what there is" Shawn says holding the door open for them to head inside.

"oh I do not like this one bit uh no way nope where's the wall nope not doing that" says a panicking yocelin who is not so great a heights.

"It isn't that bad you're fine I'm right here" shawn says trying to pull her back to ledge where the glass panels where at.

"I don't really like you right now, I don't like this at all" struggling to pull away from Shawn's grip on her arms. Shawn was determined to get the girls out of their comfort zone even if it meant getting himself out of his own. He will really be getting himself out of his zone for the next few weeks.

so I finally decided to update that. It isn't a lot but it's something.

would you guys want longer updates which will take longer to post or short updates and more frequently than they are right now? Let me know

Also here are the girls ages for those of you that are wondering.

Yocelin - 15
Emily - 15
Susie - 18
Kay - 17
Ella - 15
Cass - 19
Katt- 13
Brod - 15
Sukie - 16
Madison - 14
Micah - 15
Cate - 15
Tori - 14
Noor - 15

I'll see you guys next time. Make sure to vote!!

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