bruised jaw

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"Are you okay shawn" yocelin ask helping me with the rag that was on my jaw.

"I'm fine I didnt really expect to get punched in the face. I didn't even do anything. Does it look bad" grabbing the rag from her and moving it off my face.

"I'm sorry but not sorry at the same time, take it as if that punch was from every stan you've hurt" katt says looking up from the menu.

"oh so you are responsble to hurt me every time I do something wrong now" I ask grabbing the menu to look at it.

"I mean if you want me to I'll gladly take the job" she says looking straight at me.

"you're crazy"

"I know"

"I'm so going to regret doing this later" I mumble under my breathe

"shawn I heard what you said, but you will mostly likely will regret doing this by the end of the month" noor says to me

"you weren't meant to hear that"

"I know"


Third POV

"did we really just spend four hours talking in there" susie ask walking to the register were Shawn was paying. He finally got the time to take the bill from Emily's mom who took it from the waiter when he brought it over to the table.

"we sure did, hey sukie jet lag hitting you" shawn ask the girl who fell asleep after finishing her meal.

"yes how are you not dying from jet lag all you do is go back and forth" pulling her hood over her head and walking out of the restaurant over to one of the cars.

"I've gotten use to it and the glasses and the humidiflyer help a lot" unlocking the car.

"okay girls we're heading to the hotel, Noor's mom is going to drop the others off at Shawn's since not everyone fits in the car" Emily's mom says.

"Shawn they're all in your hands now try not to kill them" she says getting into the car.
"I'll try not to" shawn says letting out a chuckle.

Climbing into the car the radio turns on and the first thing they hear is In My Blood. Making Susie bust out laughing.

"Why are you still following me everytime I get into a car in my blood is always playing" she says climbing in.

"I rarely hear it when I'm in the car" shawn says.

"problem because you always have your music from your phone playing" brod says leaning forward over the console.

"girl sit back before you die, how are you not like Sukie right now" Susie's ask looking down at Brod who had laid her head down on the console.

"half dead you mean I don't know I think I'm like this because of the 2 two iced coffees and energy drink I had before and on the plane" brod says shooting her head up.
"I think I might be a little sleep deprived"

"I've never heard in my blood on the radio ever, I've only heard holdin' me back like twice" yocelin says from the back of the car.

"really what the fuck I want that always when I get in the car and when I walk into a store I hear stitches" Susie says mid laughing

"hey" shawn whines turning left into the complex where he lives.

"what have you never heard your songs in stores or something" susie ask looking at him not believing him.

"no I've never heard it in a store"

"do you even go to the store" susie ask basically already knowing the answer to it.

"no" shawn says smiling

"I never hear it on the radio because all I listen to when I'm in the car is either country or some pitbull, mostly country" yocelin says laughing.

Shawn parks the car helping them get all their stuff out from the back. Giving a card to one of the girls and telling them put it into the elevator and it will take them up to his floor.

Waiting for Shawn to get to the door to unlock it. Sukie leans against the wall and falls asleep again.

"Take your shoes off here" shawn says holding the door for all the girls to walk in.

"oh you're one of those people" Brod says while taking her shoes of and walking further into the little hallway with the her suitcases trailing behind her.

"what do you mean" shawn asks coming in and locking the door and taking his shoes off as well.

"that hates shoes inside the house"

"I guess I just kept doing if since kt became a routine when I lived with my parents and my mom would always bite my head off if I wore them around the house"


"I expected your condo to be more of spacious. It looks a lot more different from the parts that you have shown" susie says.

"I'll give you a proper tour tomorrow once you guys are rested and wide awake. For now you can choose where you want to sleep, I have a guest room where two of yall can sleep and I can put a air mattress so another to of yall can sleep in there. I have the theater room there's a couple of bed couches in there and them the couch in here" motioning to the living room.

"there a bathroom in the guest bedroom and out here in the hall motion to a closed door that yall can use if you want to shower or just go to bed.

"I'm taking the bed I'm to tired to function right now" sukie says dragging herself into the door shawn pointed at.

"I think were all going to sleep now" yocelin says going to the couch noor following her.

Okay if you guys want anything I'll be in my room getting ready to go to sleep there's water in the fridge if you get thirsty, the remotes.for the tv are here if you aren't tired" pointing to everything.

Walking into the theater room with some blankets and pillows out of the closet to give the girls. In the time span of 10 minutes Susie, Brod, & Micah had all passed out on the couches leaving Cate, Kay & Cass being the only ones getting situated. Giving them the blankets Shawn says goodnight to them and goes to his room and gets ready for bed.

After this stressful day Shawn is glad it's over and is ready for the fun to commence. Beside the bruise that is forming on his face thanks to Katt. That everyone will defiently ask what happened and freak out.

Fans will also be wondering why the fuck so many girls and staying with him.

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