Chapter 11 "Final Approach"

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Mala had been on the Finalizer for four and a half weeks. She had familiarized herself with the majority of the ship's layout. She had faithfully attended every grueling force training session. She had fraternized with the crew and the other students, even gained access to some of the oft-used conference rooms. Still she had no idea what Kylo Ren was planning. Whatever he was up to, he was keeping it very close to the vest. Not even Hux was privy to that information. It was no wonder, Hux was busy obsessing over weapons calibrations on the Enforcer Moons. He was doing everything in his considerable power to recommence installation across the galaxy. She couldn't fault him, though. Those Moons were astounding. The new design eliminated so many of the flaws of their predecessors. Once they were all positioned the First Order would have every system under its thumb. It seemed that nearly a dozen had already been produced, and once the prototype around Silbatta was suitably attuned, they could be orbited quite easily. Well, she would just have to be patient. Opportunity would present itself, she simply had to make herself available.


Rey awoke with a pounding headache. Though she had slept deep and dreamless she still felt worn. She thought about the night before with Ben. It seemed plumbing the depths of their mutual torment had left her with an emotional hangover. She groaned aloud as she tried to stretch out her coiled muscles.

"You should take something for that."

Rey gasped loudly. She stared, disbelieving, at Ben sitting on the edge of his bed across from her. In all the time that they had shared their nights, she had never once awoke to find him still there. Even when she rose early, he was always gone. This morning he was already dressed and holding a holo screen, as if he had already begun working from the edge of his perfectly made bed.

"Should... should you be here?" Rey asked thickly, still trying to trying to rouse herself. "I mean, shouldn't you be Supreme Leadering?"

Ben's eyes twinkled in amusement. "I had an especially long day yesterday, so I rearranged my schedule to have some time to myself and to clean my compartment.

Rey frowned, wondering if she were still somehow dreaming.

"You... do your"

Ben was even more entertained at this. "It ensures that my private affairs stay private. Even droids can be reprogrammed to record data or copy holo files."

Rey found herself unable to do more than blink.

Ben put down his holo screen and leaned forward. "I also swept for bugs, so no one will hear me tell you my plans for the galaxy, the First Order, and the Resistance."

Ben had her full attention and she struggled to a seated position. Though her body was screaming for a hearty breakfast and even a cup of that awful kaf, she focused everything she had on what he was saying.

Ben started explaining his work with the nights of Ren and the other force sensitives. He related how they would be stationed and what their new roles would be. He moved on to the use of the Enforcer Moons, how they could not only benefit the First Order, but also the systems they orbited.

Rey breathed relief at this explanation.

"You weren't lying. Those Moons have nothing to do with wiping out the Resistance!"

Ben looked at her curiously, like he was surprised by her reasoning.

"I've never lied to you." He said matter of factly, then continued elaborating on his plans.

Rey missed what he said next entirely, as that statement resounded in her ears. She could feel his sincerity, but ever since Ben had chosen to stay with the First Order she had subconsciously felt that he was somehow deceitful, conniving. Even as she had given herself over to his training, she had always partly been waiting for things to take a turn for the worse. This realization, along with the good Ben was expounding upon, caused her to suddenly interrupt.

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