gold in their hearts

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❝ the human heart beatsapproximately 4

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❝ the human heart beats
approximately 4.000 times
per hour and each pulse,
each throb, each palpitation
is a trophy engraved
with the words,
'you are still alive'
you are still alive.
act like it. ❞
tuesday noon

❝ only those who will risk going too far can possibly know how far one can go

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❝ only those who
will risk going
too far can
possibly know
how far one
can go. ❞
wednesday afternoon

❝ the thought of dying halfway through something is pretty depressing, but the more i think about it,giving up before i reach the end is even nore depressing

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❝ the thought of dying
halfway through something
is pretty depressing,
but the more i think about it,
giving up before i reach
the end is even nore depressing. ❞
saturday morning

❝ we seize the day, we turn the tide, we touch the stars, we mock the grave! we move into uncharted lands

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❝ we seize the day,
we turn the tide,
we touch the stars,
we mock the grave!
we move into
uncharted lands.
fortune favours
the brave! ❞
sunday noon

Fatto il misfatto

Hogwarts: A Photography BookDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora