slightly different every breath you take

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❝ we cling to music, to poems, to quotes, to writing, to artbecause we desperately do not want to be alone

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❝ we cling to music,
to poems, to quotes,
to writing, to art
because we desperately
do not want to be alone.
we want to know we aren't
going crazy and
someone else out there
knows exactly how
you're feeling.
we want someone
to explain
the things we can't. ❞
friday noon

❝ old souls: there is a beautiful thing inside you that is thousands of years old

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❝ old souls:
there is a beautiful thing
inside you that is
thousands of years old.
too old to be
in poems.
too old to be
loved by everyone.
but loved so
very deeply
by a chosen few. ❞
morning evening

❝ roses aren't always red, and violets aren't exactly blue,the society that we live innever seems to tell the truth

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❝ roses aren't always red,
and violets aren't exactly blue,
the society that we live in
never seems to tell the truth.
smiles aren't always happy
and frown aren't always upset,
people judge too quickly,
and our feelings are
what they forget. ❞
sunday night

❝ i am a different person to different people

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❝ i am a different person
to different people.
annoying to one.
talented to another.
quiet to a few.
unknow to a lot.
but who am i, to me? ❞
tuesday morning

Fatto il misfatto

Hogwarts: A Photography BookDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora