in the ravenclaw's common room

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❝ how beautiful would it be to find someone who's in love with your mind

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❝ how beautiful would it be to find
someone who's in love with your mind.❞
saturday afternoon

❝ the true sign of intelligence is not knowledge, but imagination

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❝ the true sign of intelligence
is not knowledge,
but imagination. ❞
sunday evening

❝ if they cannot love you in your shadows, they are not made for your light

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❝ if they cannot love you
in your shadows,
they are not made
for your light. ❞
monday morning

❝ of all things, i liked books best

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❝ of all things,
i liked books best. ❞
tuesday noon

Fatto il misfatto

Hogwarts: A Photography BookDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora