the locket

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❝ home is not where you were born, home is where all your attempts to escape cease

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❝ home is not where
you were born,
home is where all
your attempts to
escape cease. ❞
thursday noon

❝ can you remember who you were, before the world told you whoyou should be? ❞friday evening

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❝ can you remember
who you were,
before the world
told you who
you should be? ❞
friday evening

❝ can you remember who you were, before the world told you whoyou should be? ❞friday evening

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❝ i like things to happen.
if they don't happen,
i like to make them happen. ❞
sunday morning

❝ strength does not come from physical capacity

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❝ strength does not come
from physical capacity.
it comes from an
indomitable will. ❞
tuesday noon

Fatto il misfatto

Hogwarts: A Photography BookDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora