in the slytherin's common room

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❝ i don't have enough middle fingers to show you how i feel

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❝ i don't have enough middle fingers
to show you how i feel.❞
wednesday afternoon

❝ i was atheist until i realised i'm god

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❝ i was atheist
until i realised
i'm god. ❞
thursday evening

❝ the person you are destinated to become is the same persone you decide to be

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❝ the person you are
destinated to become is
the same persone you
decide to be. ❞
friday morning

❝ and when the world is against me, is when i really come alive

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❝ and when the world is against me,
is when i really come alive. ❞
saturday noon

Fatto il misfatto

Hogwarts: A Photography BookDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora