the smell of raw adventure

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❝ in the end, we will remember not the words of our enemiesbut the silence of our friends

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❝ in the end,
we will remember
not the words
of our enemies
but the silence
of our friends. ❞
wednesday morning

❝ we were children thrust into war and once it ends what will we become? ❞friday noon

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❝ we were children
thrust into war
and once it ends
what will we become? ❞
friday noon

❝ we were children thrust into war and once it ends what will we become? ❞friday noon

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❝ we all have two lives.
the second one starts
when we realise we
only have one. ❞
monday afternoon

❝ what will people say? this question has killed more dreams than anything in the world

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what will people say?
this question has killed
more dreams than
anything in the world. ❞
sunday afternoon

Fatto il misfatto

Hogwarts: A Photography BookDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora