memento mori

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❝ being misunderstood is an advantage

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❝ being misunderstood
is an advantage.
it blinds people
to the power
you possess. ❞
sunday morning

❝ at the end of the day, you've got to feel some way

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❝ at the end of the day,
you've got to feel some way.
so why not feel unbeatable?
why not feel untouchable? ❞
saturday afternoon

❝ in three words i can sum up everything i've learned about life: it goes on

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❝ in three words
i can sum up everything
i've learned about life:
it goes on. ❞
thursday evening

❝ always forgive your enemies: nothing annoys them so much

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❝ always forgive your enemies:
nothing annoys them so much. ❞
saturday noon

Fatto il misfatto

Hogwarts: A Photography BookDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora