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❝ you can't buy happiness, steal it

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❝ you can't buy happiness,
steal it.❞
thursday afternoon

❝ i was tired of pretending that i was someone else just to get along with people just for the sake of having friendships

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❝ i was tired of pretending
that i was someone else
just to get along with people
just for the sake
of having friendships. ❞
wednesday noon

 ❝ so heartless, yet so full of feelings

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❝ so heartless,
yet so full of feelings. ❞
sunday morning

❝ we were told that the villinas are villains because they've done bad things, but no one ever asked why

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❝ we were told that the
villinas are villains
because they've done
bad things, but no one
ever asked why. ❞
saturday afternoon

Fatto il misfatto

Hogwarts: A Photography BookDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora