a refined, delicate smell

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❝ above all, don't lie to yourself

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❝ above all, don't lie to yourself.
the man who lies to himself and
listens to his own lie comes to
a point that he cannot distinguish
the truth within him, or around him,
and so loses all respect for himself
and for others. and having
no respect he ceases to love.❞
saturday noon

❝ sweetheart, marry your goals remain committed to success be loyal to your dreams it's okay to choose yourself

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❝ sweetheart,
marry your goals
remain committed
to success
be loyal to
your dreams
it's okay to
choose yourself. ❞
monday evening

❝ respect yourself enough to walk away from anything that no longer serves you, grows you, or makes you happy

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❝ respect yourself enough
to walk away from
anything that no longer
serves you, grows you,
or makes you happy. ❞
sunday evening

❝ i take full responsibility for the words i say, but not for the way other people twist them

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❝ i take full
for the words
i say, but
not for the way
other people
twist them. ❞
tuesday afternoon

Fatto il misfatto

Hogwarts: A Photography BookDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora