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Alone, they sent me to the moon

And I found it to be a desolate rock

My sole purpose here is to search and research

So my kind can learn about outer space

The job is unique, a true honor

And so I try not to complain

Though it gets hard when my sole company

Is the mechanical whirring of machines

And the image of my home, Earth,

Turning slowly, without me there

I fall back into my daily routine

For science is what truly comforts me

I step outside, fully suited up

To map this place, and its moondust

Just another day, it all seems quiet

When something moves, at the edge of sight

I halt my vehicle, peering as it draws nearer

A chill settles when I realize what I'm seeing

It's a creature, seemingly sentient like me

With nothing but bad intentions scrawled

Across its pale blue, grinning face

It's coming towards me, moving faster

More adapted to the moon, then I could be

I fumble and finally manage to turn

Racing back to the space station, safe

It doesn't know the meaning of giving up

Trailing after me, the same mad look gleaming

But its face is now changing, the skin rippling

And within seconds, it looks just like me

My heart sinks, my stomach cramps

This can't be happening, not a chance

I swerve again, adjusting my route

Heading for the shuttle now, my lifeline

I reach it in time, sweat starts to bead

Hurrying inside, I close the door quick

And the take-off procedure can swiftly begin

My heart beats erratically, and knees start to tremble

The countdown has never seemed quite this long

Finally, the shuttle lifts, I'm returning to Earth

My eyes then pour over, from pure relief

I hear a light scratching, and whirl one last time

The creature stands behind me, still looking like me

Though its grin is so toothy, so unlike mine

I know it's the end, my life flashes me by

With my final heartbeat I reckon

The end of humankind might be nigh

Author's note: My entry for the first Frankenstein round of the Poetry Gauntlet.

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