10 // in the embers

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"we live and we die...our legacies hide in the embers"

in the embers, sleeping at last

embers - a small piece of glowing or burning coal in a dying fire


    It's been days since I've seen or heard from Nick and I think I've reached peak insanity. I can't count on two hands the amount of times I've gone to his dorm, hounded down Gunner and Lucy but it's all to no avail. Lucy never replies and Gunner never has answers. I'm beginning to think something horrible happened and about to go to the police when I receive a text from Gunner on Saturday. My heart starts beating faster at the question of why he could be texting as I quickly pull out my phone.

He's back. Looking for you. I almost drop my phone onto the tile floor beneath me as my heart pounds out of my chest. Holy shit.

Where is he? I send back as I rush to my car, going immediately back to our dorm building. I don't think I've ever driven faster than I am right now. This past week has been Hell without him and I don't mean to be dramatic but I can't imagine spending another day in that class wondering where he is. Never in my life did I imagine being such a needy bitch but I never anticipated having a best friend like Nick, either. Life likes to surprise us like that.

    As soon as I reach the dorm, I'm racing toward his room, nearly falling on my face a few times before rushing up the stairs. In order to reach Nick's dorm from that part of the parking lot, I have to pass by my own dorm and I'm almost falling to my knees when I see Nick pounding on my door.

    "Nick," I breathe and he turns to me, his skin looking clearer and fresher than it's looked in a long time.

    "Troy," He reciprocates, taking a step closer. Before I know it we're both laughing maniacally and racing towards each other with arms wide open. The second I feel his arms wrap around my shoulders, mine are going around his waist and I feel whole once again. I've only known him for a little more than a month but I can already tell that I've been missing out on the best friend in the world for the better part of my life.

    "Where the hell have you been, Clark?" I question after we remove ourselves from one another and he just laughs, an odd glimmer in his eyes as he stares at me.

    "Hiding out, Space Monkey," He responds with that familiar smirk on his lips and I just roll my eyes.

    "Seriously, what the hell was that? This past week has been miserable without you, man," I admit and his smile falters slightly at this before reappearing much brighter than before.

    "Don't worry about it, I'm here now," Nick reassures but I can't help but want to ask him a million and one questions. I manage to restrain myself as he wraps an arm around my shoulder and starts leading me back down the hallway.

    "We've got a lot to catch up on," He easily diverts the conversation and I laugh, thinking over the shenanigans he missed out on at last night's party.

    "Well, Gunner got so wasted that he jumped off the roof and into the pool - fully dressed. Idiot almost got frostbite, it was fucking 60 degrees out last night," I chuckle and Nick laughs. My eyes flit over to see him staring at me as we enter my car, immediately returning to our usual routine. I've never met someone I can pick up with so easily where we left off. Nothing's ever come so easily like it does with Nick.

    As we drive down a lonely road with waning light, I can't help but glance over at him every once in awhile just to make sure he's still there, he's still next to me. If this break taught me anything it's how fucking attached and needy I get, and as terrifying and annoying as that might feel...I don't hate it. It makes being back here with him all that more gratifying. Like the past week of suffering was actually all for a purpose and now I'm finally receiving my prize.

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