Once Upon A Time

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Author's Note: I'M BAAAAACCCCKKK! I've got this little gem of a story for you here - with three chapters at once! Don't you guys feel special? You should! ♡ This story is also dedicated to a good friend of mine who is a big fan of Sleeping Beauty, in which this is loosely based on. Happy reading ya'll!

*artwork used does not belong to me*

Once upon a time, in a galaxy far, far away - in the planet Kingdom of Chandrila - there lived a King and Queen.

The Queen, Leia, was adored by her people. She ruled with a firm, yet kind demeanor. Her husband on the other hand - King Han - was only royal by marriage. He gladly sat back while his wife tended to her royal duties. This did not mean that the King and Queen did not love each other very much, for they did. As time went on, a Prince was born from their union. He was named Ben.

The young Prince was brought up to follow in his mothers footsteps, for one day - he would be the King of Chandrila. Ben grew up with everything handed to him on a silver platter. It was a lavish life, but it was also a sheltered life. He wasn't allowed to go anywhere without supervision, no matter how many times he begged his lenient Father to order his guards away.

"Your place is here, in the palace." Leia would often remind her son.

One fateful day, the kingdom was celebrating the anniversary of their beloved rulers. The entire kingdom was welcomed into the palace to bestow gifts to the King and Queen. Several leaders from neighboring kingdoms traveled to Chandrila as well, as a sign of their allegiance.

In a grand room right inside the palace, Queen Leia and King Han sat upon their thrones. Leia looked very regal and proper, sitting up straight with her hands folded neatly in her lap. Han was more relaxed, an elbow resting on the side of his throne, his chin perched against his hand. Prince Ben slouched in his throne, looking absolutely bored with the affair.

Townsperon after townsperson, leader after leaders - all filed in with their gifts.

"A basket of the finest pears from Naboo." Said one leader. The lady bowed her head to the royal family and extended a woven basket towards them. A palace guard retrieved the basket from the lady and the fruit was whisked away to the kitchens.

"We appreciate the gift from the Kingdom of Naboo." Leia said sweetly, nodding her head at the lady.

"Great. More fruit." Mumbled Han.

Leia gave a quick glance at her husband, narrowing an eye. Han was clearly not phased by this.

"Next!" Han called out, and another leader stepped forward.

"A Bantha, from the deserts of Tatooine, your highness." The man said, tugging on a rope and bringing forward a small, hairy horned beast.

"I'd rather have the fruit." Han muttered.

Leia shot her husband another look, this one more fierce than the last.

"Thank you. We appreciate the gift from the Kingdom of Tatooine." Leia said as another guard stepped forward to take the Bantha from the man. The Bantha bellowed loudly as it was pulled away.


An older man stepped forward, dressed in faded clothes. In his arms he held a wrapped bundle of gray linens.

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