Treasure Hunting

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Author's Note: Double update today! If you haven't read the previous chapter - 'A Hidden Life' - please do so now. Happy reading!

*artwork used does not belong to me*

Ben snuck back towards his bedroom, having already scaled the palace walls and crossing the gardens. He looked both ways before readying himself to scale the wall of vines that grew below his bedroom window.

He raised a hand towards the window and with the use of the Force, there was a click as the window was unlatched.

It didn't take long for him to climb the vines. He hefted himself over the window ledge into his room, careful not to snag his satchel on the vines.

"WHAT is that?" Came a sharp voice from behind him.

Ben whirled around.

A tall blonde stood before him - hands on her hips, a stern look on her face.

"Phasma, you startled me." Ben said to his friend, and also his maid, as he turned to lock the window.

"You didn't answer my question. What. Is. That?" She pointed to the satchel. Ben looked down at the bag.

"This? Nothing."

"Nothing? Certainly doesn't seem like nothing if you've been gone for most of the day." She tutted.

"It's nothing to you. But not to me." Ben replied.

Phasma just rolled her eyes as she moved on to putting away Ben's laundry.

"Your mother has been asking for you all day. Armitage has been running back and forth, keeping her distracted. You're welcome."

"Thank you." Ben said with a sigh.

As if on cue, a redhead burst into the room, slamming the door behind him in a rush.

"Where have you been?" Armitage Hux declared, his face nearly as red as his hair. Armitage was Ben's footman and his closest friend.

"Out." Ben replied nonchalantly.

"Out? OUT?!? Your mother has been pestering to see you all day! Have you forgotten what tomorrow is???" Armitage shrieked.

"I'm aware. I just don't care."

Armitage huffed and walked up to Ben.

"Well I hope you found what you're looking for. Don't think you can get away with sneaking away again!"

"I found it all right." Ben said, setting his satchel on his desk. He reached in and pulled out a partially melted and faded black mask. He set it gently on the desk.

"My grandfather's mask. I finally found it." He said as Phasma and Armitage leaned in to examine the artifact.

"That, and something else. Or should I say, someone..."

"Someone? A girl??? Do tell!" Phasma said, taking a seat at Ben's desk.

Armitage laughed.

"A girl? On Endor? Tell me Ben - is she three feet tall? Brown? Fuzzy? With sharp teeth?"

It was Ben's turn to roll his eyes.

"She's not an Ewok, Armitage."

"What's her name?" Phasma asked.

"Beru." Ben said, the corner of his mouth twitching as he held back a smile.

Armitage scoffed.

"Beru? What kind of name is that? She some sort of peasant?"

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