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Author's Note: Double update with the last two chapters! Hope you guys have enjoyed this little tale of mine. ♡

*photo used does not belong to me*

That evening, Luke and Rey traveled through the deep woods of Endor.

"Come along now." Luke said to Rey, who was trailing behind.

She sluggishly moved her feet, clutching her cloak tight to her chest. She hefted her staff on one shoulder, her bag of belongings on the other.

Before long, they came across an abandoned military bunker. Spots of rust and overgrown vegetation covered the roof of the building.

Luke waved a hand at the doors and they slowly opened, revealing a starship - long kept away.

Rey admired the ship from afar. Until now, she had only seen them in books. Luke however had told her many tales about them as she was growing up.

Luke looked fondly at the ship, then back to Rey.

"The last time I was in this ship, you were just a baby." He said softly.

Rey looked at him with sad eyes.

"Get in." He told her. "We need to get going."

Luke brought a ladder from against the wall of the bunker and held it up to the side of the starship so she could climb up. Luke climbed in after her, taking the pilots seat.

As the ship powered up, there was a strange whirring from behind Rey. She turned, seeing the swiveling head of a blue and white droid.

"Long nap, huh Artoo?" Luke said to the droid. The droid angrily beeped at him.

"We're in the presence of a lady! Watch your language!" Luke scolded the droid. The droid turned his red eye to look at Rey. He beeped again.

"Yes, she has grown up quite a lot." Luke replied.

"Have we met before?" Rey asked the droid.

"Long ago. This is R2-D2. R2-D2, this is Rey. I call him Artoo for short."

Rey smiled at Artoo.

"Nice to meet you Artoo.... Again."

Artoo whistled at her.

"All right Artoo. Calculate the coordinates back from the last departure." Luke told Artoo. Artoo beeped in response and soon the ship was rising off the ground and soaring out of the hangar.

Rey held tightly onto her seat as Luke piloted towards the atmosphere. As they ascended into the stars, Rey looked back at Endor, praying that one day, she would see the explorer from the forest again.


They arrived on Chandrila in total darkness. Luke led her up to a grand stone palace. He pulled open a heavy wooden door, looking both ways before ushering Rey inside.

She was taken up a series of steps to her new bedroom. It was as big as both the kitchen and the sitting room from the Endor cottage combined.

"Wait here. I will inform the King and Queen of your arrival." Luke told her. Rey couldn't even answer him, as thick tears began to fall from her eyes. Luke looked at her sadly, reaching out to give her shoulder a squeeze as a sign of comfort.

He turned and left the room, allowing Rey to heave herself onto the bed in a heap of sobs.

She laid there crying for several minutes. Everything she had known had been taken away from her. Her only home. Her only family. So much for a surprise!

Once Upon A Time On Endor - A Reylo FairytaleWhere stories live. Discover now