You're My Hero

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"Do you want a cup of soda?" I look over at him. "Um, sure. But afterwards, we should get to studying." He nods, smiles then heads back down the stairs. I take that moment to look around the room. I see a picture that must be a family picture. There were two little boys and a mom laughing in the back. Looking at the two boys I notice that neither have the same facial features as Liam. None had black hair or his startling blue eyes, I hear footsteps coming up the stairs. My spidey-sense went off so I quickly went and sat on the bed. That made it calm down, but not disappear. "So I didn't know what kind of soda you want, but I got you blue raspberry and me grape." I nod my thanks and take the cup.

I took a sip and realized how thirsty I was, so I chug it. My head buzzes and I drop the cup, thankfully Liam caught it. "S-sorry," I mumble. "Do you have any more, I'm really thirsty?" He nods and goes back downstairs. That drink gave me an energy boost, ha who needs sleep anyways. Liam hand me another cup and I chug it. "Thanks," I say but when I look into his eyes my limbs feel numb, and I collapsed.

"Has anyone told you how pretty you are?" Liam carefully placed me on his bed. "God I was so happy when we were paired together. I mean I would've gotten to you some way. But THIS, this was perfect." He smirked down at me and his eyes made me drowsy. "Oh, Peter, Peter, Peter. Have you ever loved anyone? You see I've been hearing all these rumors that you don't have any soulmate. And well I decided that I wanted to take you, make you mine. My mind was moving so slowly I couldn't process what he meant before my hands were chain above my head.

--------------------------------time skip---------------basically rape-------------------------------------

When he kissed me again the window busted open and in came the famous Merc with the Mouth. He pulls out to guns pointing them at Liam. "Move away from the kid, Liam. You are in the wrong house again, and with a very cute partner who doesn't really look interested in you." Merc silently thanked the Gods that the boy looked untouched so far. "HE IS MINE!" Liam yelled and looked at me with so much lust that I felt sick. Liam grabbed my face and kissed me, but I was having none of it. He looked at Deadpool. "I have been tracking you for a while." Deadpool appeared next to Liam and knocked him out. "I'll be right back," he promised and grabbed Liam teleporting away. I tried to wiggle my arms out of the cuffs but my powers were still useless.

After a couple minutes Deadpool appeared next to me and smiled. "Hi, I'm Deadpool! And you don't have to worry about that man he is locked away." I felt tears pour down my face and Wade breaks the cuffs helping me up. But the Merc was devastated with the smell that radiated off the boy. "He got to you huh?" I asked and the boy barely nodded. Then the boy did something unsuspected, he hugged me. "Thank You I thought I was going to be stuck with him." I hugged him back. "Sorry if I got here sooner then maybe I could've stopped him." He shook his head. "No Deadpool don't take this on yourself, I should've realized that he was a fake. But I want you to know that you're my hero!" I whispered.

Okay Sorry! I really thought this was a good idea! Please Don't hate me!


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