So the Cat's Out the Bag Kinda

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“Hey Mr. Stark,” I greeted Tony. He looks at me and I am so grateful that the tsar marks faded away last night. “Sorry I'm late but I-” I stop when I see all of the Avengers faces. “Who died?” I joked but when I got no response I realized that it was serious. “We don't know the kid.” That’s weird. “What?” Steve looked at me, “Spiderman was here last night crying and we don't know what's wrong.” Tony got up and came over to me.

“You know Spiderman, you guys are friends. What happened?” Everyone looked at me with a sudden interest. “You know Spidey?” Clint asked. “Yeah I mean we're friends but I don't know him that well.” They all looked at me and I rub the back of my neck.

“Well, I only know him from taking pictures for the Daily Bugle. I mean I know how to work the web shooters, but not much.” Tony looked at me and pulled me onto the couch. “Tell us everything!” I look at everyone and shake my head. “Sorry but that’s not something I should say.” Black Widow was looking at me with interest. “You haven’t been sleeping well have you?” I tense up and look at her, “What! No, I sleep fine.” I laugh but at this moment I look around for a way to escape. “Your not eat-“ I hold up my hand. “You wanted to know about Spider-man?” She grins and everyone looks between us.

I will tell you what the Russian means at the end of the chapter.

“Я не думаю, что вы говорите правду," I look at her when she talks and smiles, “ну, я говорю правду. ” She blinks in surprise when I talk back. “ты знаешь русский?” I nod and Everyone looks at me and I get up. “Mr. Stark, I came to help out not get interrogated so do you have anything for me?” He shakes his head and I get up, leaving the room. “I like him.” I hear Natasha say once I was out of the normal human hearing range.

I left the tower and soon I was swinging around the city. I went around and avoided the spot I meet Deadpool, I didn’t want to see his face. What if he found out I’m Peter and was just toying with me. I mean Enjoying the rush when all of a sudden I couldn’t move. My hand let go of the web and I went free falling, seeing the ground get closer, I close my eyes.

Poke Poke poke. God that is so annoying. I try to hit their hand out of the way but I realize I can't move. Panic raced through me as I lay there. Who is poking me? The poking stops and all I can hear us my racing heartbeat. I open my eyes to see Deadpool sitting next to me with a tense posture. I try to open my mouth and it takes a couple seconds but soon I can open and close my mouth. “Wade?” Deadpool smiles, “hey Spidey.” I sit up and to my relief, it happens smoothly. “What happened?” His smile falls, “well I saw you swing past and soon you just started to fall. So I, your knight in shining armor, saved you from your death.” I smile but it soon falls, “thanks.” He doesn't even love you. He never will! “Sorry but I have to go home, like now.” Deadpool looked down, “okay ya see you.” I look at him, why does he sound sad? “Okay, what's up?” He looked surprised, “sounds like you've had a rough night.” I smile waiting for an answer, “yeah I did… this guy I helped out the other day and um… I think he hates me.” What! I mean kind of. “If you helped him out why would he hate you?” He looked down and I grabbed his face forcing him to look at me. “I don't know a lot of things!” I laugh, “Webs I might remind him of that night…” I shook my head, “he wouldn't hate you come on!”

“Yeah! And how would you know HUH! You don’t like me either! I saw you avoid this place!” I look startled and back up, rage bubbling up. “I have my reasons just like he did okay!” He storms up to me, “Yeah and what were they huh? You just didn’t want to talk to me today. Ooh, do I just take up to much of your time?” He was pissed. “You know what I know why he left and I was avoiding you but not because I hate you Okay! No, I think of you highly!” He looked surprised and backed up, but I couldn’t help it. I ripped off my mask and stormed up to him. Poking his chest, “what’s my name!” He blinked and rubbed his neck, “Pete?” I laughed but it was happy. “Peter Benjamin Parker!” He stops and looks at me. “You're my-“ I nod and go to swing away.

“Wait Webs I, I’m sorry Okay?” I smile, “I’m not upset about you not knowing, I just, really… I’m just hurt that you think like that.” I slip my mask on to hide the tears. “Now I really have to go!” I jump before he could respond. Forgetting why I even saw him today.

“Hey guys,” I land on the baloney. “I wanted to apologize. I know you were only looking out for me. Plus you have a right to feel a little curious. So um yeah sorry.” I see that they haven't really moved since I was here last. Steve rushes up to me and pulls me into a hug, “Son, you have nothing to be sorry for. We know how much your identity means to you. But if your hurt or in trouble or just need someone to be there for you, then come on over. Because we care about you.” I look around at the smiling faces.

“Thanks, guys that means more than you would think. You know what I'll give you d-” My body tenses up again and I try to breathe normally but it doesn't work. Pain flares up when my body starts to move. But the thing is, I am not the one moving me.

Okay, so not a lot of people like this story so I will probably try to tie it up in the next few chapters. Thank you for reading this far!
Anyway, Russian is...
I do not think you are telling the truth
Well I tell the truth
You know Russian?

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