Fight For Others!

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When we got to the prison Nat pointed out the vents and I got in. When I got above Liam's cell I heard his creepy voice talking. I drop in front of the cell after checking for guards. "Right here Wade." Wade teleports next to me and I look over to see Nat knock out a guard with her electric watch. He smiles and I could feel the rage coming off of Wade. "Oh Deadpool I see you brought some friends with you to visit me. What do I owe the pleasure." Wade teleports into the cell, "What the hell are you doing to Peter!" Deadpool punches him in the stomach.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you... What if you hurt Peter? I mean we are connected?" His smirk was huge and I felt like punching him myself. "Now if you don't mind why don't we hurry this up? I mean I have people to talk to." Nat walks up to the glass, she looks him in the eye and suddenly she goes limp. "Are you tired?" He mocks as I rush over to her. "I'm fine just... tired." We all look at Liam who held up his hands. Deadpool grabbed his shirt and held him against the wall.

"Wade did you know how badly you hurt Peter? He knew you had a wife so he stepped back. Peter tried to be happy for you but it was eating him alive he finally broke. The will that kept me at bay broke and I had free access to the wonderful boy. I was going to make him feel broken and worthless but he already did." I could tell Wade was started to falter. "Oh but when you came over for pancakes he thought you knew. That you liked him back but that wasn't it. So he left, put on the suit and went to one of his favorite places. A rooftop, did he think about jumping? Well let me tell you if Tony didn't find him he probably would've." Wade slammed Liam in the wall and growled, "shut up lier."

I helped Natasha up and Wade got into Liam's face. "Leave him alone." I spin around to see Tony and Steve. They were both suited up, "What did you do to Nat?" I huffed and slowly tried to pull out my bow. "Nothing Liam did." Tony snorted, "yeah cause a kid like him could." Nat supports he own weight and Wade teleports next to us. "Thanks Nat for the tip." I look at her and she grins, kicking the back of my leg. "Never trust anyone." Tony and Steve fight with her and soon me and Wade are outnumbered. They cuff us, "I knew that I could figure out what the plan was if I just listened and took note of what they did."

When we got to the Tower Peter was getting blood taken, he waved like the bastard he was. Well I guess like Liam waved but still you get the point. Wade and I share a cell we didn't play patty cake like at all. What do you think we are CHILDREN! We sat and discussed the lovely painting job.

After we finished our 50th round of paint discussing Peter walked in. The mask was still on but that didn't matter because he look way to skinny.

"You know I always knew the Peter was Spider-man? I mean I would've targeted this body anyways I mean Wade don't you agree." Wade glared at Spidey but I could feel that he was trying to stay cool. "But I won't need him soon. I mean I am free." Two voices were instinct as Liam walked through the doors. He rolled up the mask so he could kiss Peter.

"Now I have everyone at my mercy. The world's greatest heroes are on my side not yours." He laughed and Peter just stood there. "I mean when they found out that you Wade raped their precious intern and framed me. Well lets just say they are a little unhappy." Liam laughed again and I heard Bruce's voice. "I got the antidote Spidey!" Peter fixed his mask and turned to Banner. "Thanks but I need you to spread it through the air above the Tower. Wade over here affected more than just me. If we try we can do all of us at once."

They left and soon Nat came in. "Okay so now what?" She lets us out and we get into the vents. "We need to stop that cure." I navigated us to the top of the Tower. Peter and Liam stood next to each other holding hands. The suit was baggy on him and we were all worried. Bruce put the serum in the fancy machine. Hey give me a break I'm not Tony or Bruce!

We silently get out of the vents and I shoot out an arrow, Peter catches it. They all turn towards us, Peter throws the web back at us and shoots a web. But all his movements were slower and weak (meaning humanoid). Wade runs up to Liam and punches him in the gut. We all look at Peter but when he shows no sign of pain Wade continues. "Stop!" I hear Nat yell and she keeps Bruce distracted. We want to keep him calm as I figure out how to take out the cure and break the machine. I pull out an arrow and jam it into the machine. Peter runs over to me and pulls me away from the machine. Without his talents, I could tell he was just a kid who fought on instinct.

I pulled out an arrow meant to stun and hit Peter with it. He falls and I turn back to the machine. "Yeah, put the guy who is only good with weapons in charge of taking out the big fancy machine." I pull off the back and study the wires. I hear doors slam open and see Stark, Steve, and Thor walk out. They all enter the battle and I just start ripping out wires. I leave all the green wires because if Bruce made this than he would have made the wire that would be badly broken the same color as the Hulk. Because the Hulk is bad and so that means so is green.

The machine sparked and I mentally cheered at the broken machine. Peter groaned and mumbled something. "Hymenoepimecis argyraphaga..." He said again. "What the hell speak English!" The boy tried to get up but his body made no movement. "Dead," he mumbled. "Kid your still alive." I could feel the annoyance rolling off him. "Kill... parasite..." I look around and I see Steve running over to us.

I look at the machine and see the cure, on the bottle said Hymenoepimecis argyraphaga. "You want me to kill the antidote." Pete groaned, "Liam..." I dodge a punch from Cap and rush towards Wade. Tony blocks my path and I sigh, "I'm not a match for you guys." Tony laughs but the normal ego tone wasn't in it. I look over towards Wade and lock eyes with Liam, but soon I bring my gaze back to the supers in front of me. I was tired all of a sudden so I needed to finish up. "WADE KILL LIAM NOW PETER CAN'T LAST MUCH LONGER!" I run from Steve to see Nat collapse, she was in a bad condition. She looked almost as skinny as Peter, but not that bad.

I hear a gun go off and suddenly everything stops, Liam, laid there still as everyone watched. Wade then took out his swords and cut off Liam's head. Everyone winced, but I soon realized that they were back they were in their right mind. "That... worked?" I heard Pete mumble, I ran over and so did Wade and Tony. Bruce went to Nat's side, along with Steve and Thor. "Kid..." Tony looked at me, "what happened?" I looked at him, "We need to help him and Nat first." 

Hey! Hey! Hey! Only one more chapter left! Oh Yeah! Yes, I know that it's midnight but insomnia sucks so yeah! Thanks for reading! The next chapter will explain the Hymenoepimecis argyraphaga anyways,


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