Pancakes and Possibly More?

490 24 14

Ding Dong

"Peter you're going to be late," May yells. I look at my watch shit, she's right! I run to the front door, "Bye May!" I open the door to slam into a huge dude, like super buff. I sent us flying. "Oh my god I'm so sorry," I say getting up and holding out a hand. He laughs and my stomach flips, Deadpool. "No problemo sweetums." I blush. "Peter you didn't shut the door!" I turn around, "Sorry May." I shut the door and hear a muffled, "You're going to be late." I look at Wade, "Sorry to cut this short, but I am going to be sooo late for school. Here my number is 867-5309. Bye!" Running off before he could talk back to me.

I run into the school barely making it in time. When I sit down I only have about 40 seconds to myself before Flash came up to me. "Yo Penis Parker, you skipped out with our morning beating." He laughs and I mentally curse myself for doing that. "So afternoon it is," He walks over to his desk and soon the teacher starts the day off with a boring lecture.

Getting through the day with no homework as was happy to say the least. But when the day was over I wished it was only lunch. "So where's your new boyfriend?" Flash laughs, "sick of you already?" 'He's MINE!' I look away and he laughs even harder. "God this is rich, not even that creep wanted you." I shake my head but my voice is long gone. "Dude it's like you switched a flip, he's silent." One of his friends laughed. And with that they came over to me and started to beat me up

One black eye, split lip, bruised rib, two broken ribs, and a crap ton of bruises later I find myself on the way home. When I get there I hear May talking with someone. "This is wonderful how did you learn how cook like this?" What? "May?" I ask, entering the kitchen is Wade with an apron on and five stacks of pancakes each stack had at least 50 pancakes in it. "Um hi," she looks at me and I see that her face is red and puffy but she doesn't look too sad, well before she saw me. When she saw me it was like a switch was flipped.

"What happened?" She rushed over and Wade turns around. Both of them stop and stare at me, "Your going to burn the pancakes." I say trying to get the subject off me. "First you don't tell me about Liam then you come home beaten up. Please don't say that you are going around with those old friends who were always looking for trouble." She pleads and Wade stays quiet. "You told her!" Deadpool shrugs, "You look like crap." I look at May, "What?" I was generally confused. "I thought we were stating the obvious." May looks between us, "Honey you didn't get into another fight at school did you." Wade looks at May almost as if he didn't believe her. "No, I was mugged." I shrug wincing as I do so. Wade narrows his eyes, "I wish I was Black Widow... she's like a human lie detector." May laughs, "I do too, you would be screwed." I blush, "Well I think I'm going to clean up."

When I get up into my room I drop my bag and sit on my bed. I hear a knock, to quiet for Wade probably May. "Peter can I come in?" May's voice confirms my guess. "Sure," she opens the door and sits next to me putting a hand on my back. "Why didn't you tell me?" i look at her, "I didn't want you to worry about me," She shook her head. "That's my job," I felt guilty. "But you didn't choose have kids I was just pushed to you and I didn't want to make things harder." May hugs me, "Just because I'm not your mother or was prepared doesn't mean you don't talk to me. I was heartbroken when some kind-hearted stranger came to me and told me this." She pauses, "I broke down and he came helped me feel better. Even offered to make us supper, though I didn't think he would make so many pancakes." She laughs a little. "I'm so sorry May," she lets go of me. "It's not your fault." May left so I could wash up, I washed my face and got into a clean outfit.

When I get back down there Wade was taking off his apron and May wasn't anywhere to be seen. "What are you doing?" Wade whips around and I notice that he was getting ready to leave, my heart dropped. "I've overstayed enough as is. I just figured that you didn't tell her so I came over. Sorry." I shake my head, "Thank you." He looks surprised, "I most likely would've never told her and this way I never have to. So as a thank you eat with us. I mean you made enough pancakes for three people." He smiled. "Well, you are really skinny so I made enough to last a while for you. I mean it's not much but it's-" I laugh cutting off Deadpool. "Where's May? We should eat before they go cold." He looks around, "Well I'm not really sure..."

We got the table ready, Wade was cracking jokes and making me remember the conversation I had with him when I was Spidey. "So do you have a new name," I asked hopefully. He nods, "Got almost immediately after hers disappeared." He looks saddened. "Do you think they have been waiting along? What if they don't like me? I don't think I'm ready for another person." Wade says. "Wade they are your soulmate. That means they love you, and if you're not ready then I think they will understand." "But I feel like I owe them for making them wait." I shake my head, "You don't owe anyone anything for being tricked."

"So Deadpool can I know your name, I mean you don't have to if you don't want to. I just thought that maybe-" Wade puts a hand over my mouth with a huge grin. "Wade Wilson." I stop moving and May comes in the room. Wade takes his hand off my mouth, "What?" is all I say. Play dumb, play dumb, play dumb. He looks at May, "I should go." But before he can move I grab his wrist." I look at May and she understands leaving the room again. "You're um, I um." He looks sad, "You know that I'm a merc now huh." I look at him confused. "What no, I already knew that.." now he looks at me confused. "Than what do I know you or something?"

He didn't come here to meet me as a Soulmate. Just came to talk too May, not me. God, why is it so unfair! Why does he have to already have a soulmate! I can't look at him it hurts to bad, hurts too much. I look down my eyes watering, then I look at the clock. Shielding my eyes I rush past him, "Sorry I am really late."

I run out and go change into my suit once I knew no one was there and swung over by the Stark Tower. My tears were flooding my face, and I stumble onto the roof. I let my sobs take over, and just lay there, well until I hear footsteps. I try to sit up but I just didn't have the energy. "Spidey?" Mr.Stark. "Ye-ah." I try to calm my voice but it breaks. "Wanna come in?" I shake my head, "I'm g-ood, ri-ght hea-r." He sighs and pulls me to my feet. "Wanna stay over tonight?" I shake my head but then think about it and nod. I don't wanna try my luck in avoiding Wade. I follow Tony down it the tower and we enter the avenger's floor. Tony gave me a room on Steve's level since Steve's not a huge fan of having a floor by himself.

I see all of the Avengers around the living room watching Tangled. Tony takes his seat and I look around the living room. Tony, Steve, and Natasha had the couches while Clint, Thor, and Bruce were on the floor. Steve and Tony move so there was a spot between them and I go sit down. Thankfully the sobs had stopped so at least I wasn't embarrassed. Throughout the movie, I felt eyes watching me but I could care and my eyes started to close.

"So he was just sobbing, on your roof?" I hear a voice say. "He barely came in, should we talk to him." Tony? "He's pretty quiet about his life," Female, "do you think someone close to the man of Spiders passed?" Thor... "No one died.." I mumbled. Everyone stopped, looking at anyone I get up. "Well, I have to get to work." I nod and leave before anyone can say something.

Okay Another chapter, so Yay! I might not be able to update tomorrow I'm going to a funeral. 


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