Pete- I Mean Spidey

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Steve POV
When I left Peter's room I saw Nat walk close to it then wait for a couple of moments. "I thought you said he was talking to himself?" I nod, "I only hear one voice." I pause, "he asked me to do a couple of things would you check on him?" She nods as I rush up the stairs.
"Wilson what do you mean he called you?" I hear Nat on the phone when she comes up the stairs. "He's passed out here at the Tower why?" I hear a beeping and Natasha glares at the phone. "He hung up on me..." I felt bad for the person on the other end. "Hi!" I hear an annoying voice scream as Deadpool walks through the door.
"Where's P- Spidey?" I see Nat glare at him. "You just messed up on his name? You know it don't you?" I see Wade look around, "You said he was here didn't you? So where is he?" Deadpool's tone was unforgiving and the most serious I have ever heard him go. "So I'll ask nicely one more time, Where's Spidey?" Natasha held her ground and I put my hand on her shoulder. "Why are you here Wade?" He laughs but it wasn't friendly, "Where's... Spidey," I shake my head but Tony walks into the room before anything could happen.
"Well we have-" Tony looked at Wilson then at me and Nat. "Why's Wilson here." I hear the distaste for him. "Now, Now Tin Can I asked my question first." They both look at us, "He's here for Spider-man," Tony nods and Deadpool gasped. "How unfair I asked my question first!" He sees Spider-man's phone in Natasha's hand and teleports to grab it. "Okay So did you alert the people who live with him that you kidnapped him?" His tone was light again. "Oh and how's Parker?" Deadpool asked and Tony freezes. "I couldn't get a hold of him... what did you do?!" Wade laughs, "Where's Spidey?" His voice was sickly sweet and he tilted his head. "Done stairs in one of the Hulk prof rooms..." Wade thanks me.
"His name was Peter, but I never caught his last name..." I look at Wade, "was Peter Parker the boy you and Spider-man saved?" Everyone looked at me confused, "What?" I look at Wade, "You asked how Parker was, the only Parker's we know is Peter... but earlier we thought it was a threat. But it wasn't was it? You were wonder because you saved him that guy named Liam." Deadpool looks at me and I can tell he is trying to make sense of everything I just said. He slowly starts to nod but still looks hesitant. "Yeah I was just wondering but you know me with my background can make anything into a threat..." Wade walked away with Spidey's phone. "Wait!" Tony stopped Deadpool, "Then why can't get a hold of him?" Everyone looks at Wade for the answer. But he just shrugs, "you think I would ask how he was if I knew where he lived?" With that Wade went to find Webs.
"Tony pull up everything with Liam Philips, Natasha try to get a hold of Peter. I am going with Deadpool to make sure he doesn't do anything to rash." Everyone nods and splits up.
Wade's POV
I see the room that Peter must be in. Taking a deep breath I remember the anger coming from him. He yelled at me and got all up in my face. I felt bad I misunderstood and got him angry. What if he didn't mean to call us. Yeah who would want to talk to you anyway. I knock but when I get no response I open the door and close it behind me. Is our Wifey hurt? Peter's also a man? Wifey! "Baby Boy?" Peter was laying on the ground and shaking. I sit down next to him and shake him, but all I get is a groan. "Come on Webs, wake up..." I take a deep breath and hug Peter. That was what worked to wake him up the last time. "Wade?" I see Steve open the door and look in. I wave and set Peter down, sad that it wasn't my Baby Boy's voice. Yeah Peter's voice is to kill for. We kill for a living it not that big of a deal... Shut up the Captain is trying to talk to us. Then listen to him! I'm trying!
"He seems to be possessed by this Liam guy." I froze and looked at Peter. "Do you guys know Webs' identity?" Steve looked at me and his eyes widened. "You know who he is! How? He is the one person not even SHIELD has a clue to who he is!" I rolled my eyes, "we got into an argument and he ripped of his mask." Steve looked surprised. "When did this happen?" I smiled, "wouldn't you like to know." Steve rolled his eyes, "Yeah I would." Steve chuckled, "that's why I asked..." I smiled, "well he ran right after and must have come here... It was this afternoon." Steve nodded.
"He's mine Wade!" I turn around to see Pete slowly getting up. He body was tense and you could see the smile behind the mask. "You thought you could safe dear old Peter... but you were too late." I look at Captain, "get out now!" He looks at me, "this guy knows Webs' identity and it's not his choice to show Spidey's pretty face." Steve nodded but before he could leave Peter shot a web making the door stay. "But I want you to know!" The laughter coming from Peter made both of us shutter.
"I want everyone to know that Peter-" Wade tries to cover Peter's mouth while Steve tries to get out. "It's Peter's choice to say what happened that night!" I yell bluffing, I could feel the cold glare he was sending me. I see his hands go up to his face as I try to stop him. I hear the Avengers trying to open the door, and I hug Peter making his hands stuck on his sides. "Come on Pete fight back," I feel him go limp and I lower him down to the ground.
Steve grabs one of my katanas and cut the webs letting in all of the Avengers. "Everyone out I will not let you know P- Spidey's real name." Natasha looks at me, "Well why can't we know if you know?" Her voice was harsh and the rest of the Avengers nodded but Steve stepped between us. "That was Spider-man's choice, and now we are forcing that out of him." They look down ashamed, "why doesn't he trust us? Why does he trust you more!" Tony sounded hurt, angry, and confused all at the same time.
Peter groans and sits up, "keep it down will ya." You could hear the smile in his tone. "I showed Wade my face because I wanted to and so everything was cleared up between us. Kay?" He gets up and the Avengers take a step back. Pete laughs but you could hear the hurt in his tone. "Bruce would you mind taking some blood and figuring out what's inside me." Bruce nods and rushes out the door. Peter turns towards me and I take a step back. Peter takes a step forward and I take another back.
"Wade I-" I hold up a hand. "It was a simple misunderstanding okay? I should leave anyways." I slip out of the room trying to get away. Clint rushes out to catch me. "Deadpool!" I look back and see the door that held Peter, close. "Sorry I need to call someone tell them that Web's is okay. They were going to hang out today so they are probably freaking out. And trust me when I say that no one wants this person upset." I try to joke but Clint sees past it. "What happened? And don't bother lying I'm good at telling when you are." I sigh and keep walking, "nothings wrong." Clint snorted and grabbed my arm stopping me. "Start again," I Huff and spin on my heel facing him. "We had a fight okay!" Clint smiled and started to pull me to the room. "I bet it's not to bad."
When we opened the door nobody heard. "Yeah I did call Deadpool," Tony rolled his eyes. "And since when have you guys been friends?" Forever and ever Tin Can Peter groaned, "why are you even thinking that we are friends! He's just an annoying mercenary who likes my ass! I would be happy if he died! My life would be a lot simpler!" That sounds more like it. Clint coughed and everyone turned to face us. "See!" I storm out of there and I hear laughter. I see an open window and throw myself out. Not even our soulmate loves us! Is that surprising? "No," I hear a scream and everything goes black.

Wow you guys finally met White and Yellow. Anyway from the fan fiction I've read I decided that
White is this one
And Yellow is this one
Anyway thanks for reading now anyone know what is going to happen? Probably. Shut up. Thanks for reading see ya later!

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