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Deadpool supported my weight as we walked to my house. When we got there Wade let out a gasp, "You live in this dump." I blush and try not to snap at him. "Yep this 'dump' is my house thank you very much." That still wasn't very nice. "Do you like by yourself?" I shake my head. He lets out a sigh of relief, "I want you to go in there and talk about it with them. It will help in the long run I promise." Deadpool was the most serious I have ever seen him. So I nod and taking all my weight off him. My metabolism had pretty much gotten rid of the drug so I didn't worry about it. "Thanks." Is all I say when I disappear into my apartment.

"Peter is that you?" Aunt May called from the kitchen. "Yeah, I am going to go take a shower and get ready for school," I yell back. "Where were you?" I hear the concern in her voice. "I fell asleep at a friends house sorry I didn't text you." I go upstairs straight to the shower.

I scrubbed my skin raw then got out and threw the clothes he gave me out the window. He knows who I am, he knows that Peter and Spidey are one and the same. I change into school clothes and go to grab my bag but realize that I left it there. I hear a faint tapping and open my window. I look down to see Deadpool with my bag taping on the window below mine.

"That's the kitchen," I say down to him. He looks up then tried to climb up the wall but fails. "Rapunzel, Rapunzel let down your hair!" He yells and I rush down the stairs. "Bye May!" I yell and sprint out of the house. I round the corner and slam into Wade's chest almost making me fall over. Oh God, my suit is in there! Wade laughs and gives me my bag. "My fair lady here is thy bag of books." I laugh and blush wishing my mask was covering up my red face.

"Thanks," I start walking to school but I feel Wade following me. "Yes, Pool?" I turn around and he just looks at me. "Where are you going?" I laugh."I have school in an hour." He looks at me. "You're going to school after all that." I shrug "it wasn't my first time." I say and continue walking. "Wait so what do you mean? You've done it before or that's not the first time being you know." He made wild gestures, and I look at the ground. I hold up two fingers and continue down the road.

The next week or so I saw Wade every day, we talked and sometimes patrolled together. Sometimes he would visit Peter but not often and never pushed about that night. And ever since the first day we stayed away from the topic of my soulmate. But Wade never stopped talking about his, and every time it broke my heart more and more. I found out about his backstory and how much he loved Vanessa. I even helped him figure out what to do if she ever saw him.

When I landed on the roof we usually meet on a bag was forced into my hands. "Wha-" Deadpool smiled. "Well since you are my Baby Boy I decided that you are too skinny. I mean you can totally tell with the spandex. It's like you're a walking skeleton, does your mom ever feed you!" I feel myself blushing thanking God that I have a mask on. "I'm not your anything Wade, especially your 'Baby Boy'." He smiles, "I thought we were getting somewhere Webs!" My heart did that weird fluttering that only happens around Wade.

Wade sits on the ledge patting the area next to him. I crawl over and sit, looking over at Wade. Looking in the bag was two chimichangas, grabbing one and handing it to Wade while grabbing the other for myself. He shakes his head and gives it back to me. "I'm not hungry." He stated. "Well, I can't eat both!" Trying to give it back to him and failing.

"You never answered me, does your mom ever feed you? I mean you definitely need to eat more." I look down at myself. "I mean I eat the normal amount but with high metabolism it looks like I only eat a few days of the week. Yeah sometimes skipping a few meals could kill me." He looks shocked. "How much do you normally eat? Like one or two flies?" He giggles and just like that he isn't serious and I am so glad about that.

I didn't want him to know since it just me and May we can afford to get too much. I mean I am too young for almost all jobs and the ones that accept younger people are all full so, ya... "Spidey you still didn't answer." I look at Deadpool. "Like I said I eat a normal amount." He shakes his head. "I will bring food for you every day." I smile at his kindness. "Wade you don't have to." He looks at me, "Of course I do Webs you are important and need to have the energy to save the world." I smile and my heart flutters.

"I mean then it will be a date." My face burns, "And now you ruined the moment." He chuckles and looks at the food. "Now eat." I shake my head, "If you see it as a date then why aren't you eating it's weird to eat while you watch me." He goes silent and for a second I get confused. Then it hit me, 'I pretty much called a date'. He shakes his head, "Webs I'm not hungry." His stomach rumbles and I hear him mutter, "Traitor." I nod my head, "Yep totally not hungry, now eat with huh?" He smiles, "I don't want to ruin your appetite." He mumbles. "Say one more pick up line and I won't have an appetite. Smiling I hand him one of the chimichangas. "Webs my face is a nightmare you don't want to see that." I shake my head, "I promise I won't be afraid of grossed out but if you don't want me to look at you then you could have just said so. I mean I understand about the mask thing. What if I just turn away from you." he nods slowly, and I turn away as I promised. After we finish I left for patrol.

After that day he came the same time every single day giving me more and more food to the point that I looked like a normal teen. I also got a job with the Daily Bugle, they were willing to hire me for photos. So I had more ways to help out May. Even though the pay wasn't great it was still money so in the end, it didn't matter. I even got a real internship with Stark industries! Although I don't get paid it might help get into college later.

With Wade around it seemed that life was looking up. I mean even being his friend was good enough for me. He even started to patrol with me and listened to my rule of no killing when with me. (remember he is a merc so...) I couldn't get him to stop killing altogether. We had fun and hung out every day for at least an hour. I just wish he would have warned me of what was coming.

Hey! Please comment and enjoy this chapter.


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