Were Are You

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Today I landed on the roof we always meet on and didn't see him. 'That's weird he usually beats me, well maybe I'm early.' I waited about three hours for him and still no sign of him so I decided that he wasn't coming. I did my patrol and then came back looking around for him but seeing nothing. 'Still not here? Where is he?' I took out my phone and saw that it was 3 in the morning. So I went home and had trouble passing out my mind focused on the mercenary. That happened for 5 straight weeks and my worrying was growing and it was showing.

"Peter honey you look so thin, sit down and eat." May shoved a plate in front of me. "Now what's on your mind," About to disagree with her she looks at me. "And don't tell me nothing cause that is a Pete." I look at her and her worries lining her features. "It's..." thinking of how to word it I continue, "my soulmate." She looked shocked. May knew my dislike for soulmates because of Ben. I mean May deserves a second chance at love.

"Are they okay? Did you meet them?" I nodded. She looks delighted then confused. "Then why are you upset?" I look down not really wanted to put another thing on her shoulders. "He's already married to his soulmate. And he doesn't know that he is my soulmate." Her gaze saddened and she pulled me into her embrace. "Oh honey, he is missing out on the best person. I believe things will turn out, God must have a plan for a hero like you." I look at her shocked. She smiles, "You are a good lier but I know you too well for you to get away with it." I feel like a weight was lifted off my shoulders. "Um, May..." She nods, "Now finish your story." I smile a little. "His name is Wade and he is Deadpool," She looks shocked but nods for me to continue. "He doesn't know about it and we started to hang out every day and go on patrol. He would bring food and we would have a picnic. But about 5 weeks ago he stopped showing up." I feel tears rolling down my face. "I think he got bored of me. I don't know maybe he-he moved on and forgot about his Spidey. But I love him May and I want him to come back." In the end, May was rubbing my back as I sobbed. "I can't say I know how it feels but one thing is sure. He is so lucky."

When I head upstairs I quickly put my suit on and jump out the window. I go to our spot and sit down, playing with a couple of rocks. It has been a routine for me come here waiting for a few hours go on patrol then go home. I lay down and drift into the thing I haven't been doing sleeping.

"Webs!" The webs connecting to Wade snapped and soon Wade was falling. Knocking out Harry I dive to catch him. Shooting out a web that connects to a gear. I shoot another and it connects with Wade but not soon enough because I hear the crack of him hitting the ground. I jump down next to him. Wade was quiet for one of the first times. "Wade?" I get no response. "Please, Wade I can't lose you too." Holding him I feel no heat coming from his normally warm body. "Wade!"

Sitting up I hit something. "Ow," Looking up I see him, Deadpool. "Hey Baby Boy!"," I look up to see him. "Hey, Baby Boy!" I can't help but feel relieved but my anger overpowers that and I punch him in the face. He's thrown back and when he sits up I am standing over him. He laughs and all my anger starts to fade away. "Hey, Webs how ya doing?" "Webs!" I hear his plea for my dream. Shaking my head to get rid of the thought. "Where HAVE YOU BEEN! I was worried! Next time tell me!" He looks at me and for the first time, I see how bad of shape he is in. "Aw, thanks, Baby Boy. I didn't think you cared about me." I blush and sit next to him. "Where did you go? You look like shit." I say trying to keep all my happiness inside.

Wade laughs and I smile. "Well I found Francis, he kidnapped my wife... so..." I look over at him. "What happened with Francis? Did he kill her?" He shakes his head "Francis is dead, I killed him and no she isn't dead." He pauses. "I got a new name." He goes quiet and I lean over giving him a hug. Wade stiffens and for a second I thought I went too far but I feel his arms go around me. His arms could pretty much wrap around me twice but I hoped he wouldn't notice. "Webs you lost way too much weight! You're as thin as a twig!" I laughed and let go of him.

"So you have a new name," I asked hopefully. He nods but looks sad. "Do you think they have been waiting along? What if they don't like me? I don't think I'm ready for another person." 'He's nervous?' Wade, they are your soulmate. That means they love you, and if you're not ready then I think they will understand." "But I feel like I owe them for making them wait." I shake my head, "They won't care."

We sit in silence but I can tell somethings bothering me. He looks at me and I sigh, "What's on your mind Deadpool?" He smiles "You know me so well..." He falters, "Why were you screaming my name earlier?" I feel my blush come back "Webs!" His scream sounds louder. "Well, I was getting upset that you just up and left. I was just so mad that I screamed okay!" He looked down, "You sounded sad, guilty, and scared, but not mad." I looked down, "It was just a dream Wade I don't even remember it." I laugh, "How about we go on patrol?" He looks at me. "Hell Yeah! Let's go and beat up some baddies!" We laugh. "Thanks, Webs." He mutters and without my heightened hearing, I wouldn't have heard it.

Thanks for reading!

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