Chapter 5: A Look At The Past [Part 1]

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*Brooke's P.O.V* 

It was the very next day, Nikki and I ........well we can talk for LITERALLY hours; which isn't surprising for us, I'm the more talkative one of the both of us so the converstations never seemed to end. We ultimately lost track of time. When my mom came home she wanted to me to email her a picture I took at my cousin's graduation that I took with my PHONE. I was really hopping something like this didn't come up. Obviously I couldn't send her the picture so I told her that my phone charger wasn't working and that my phone was dead. She believed me naturally since I was never one to lie to my mom, she's not the easiest person to lie to on a normal basis. I did feel a bit bad for lying to her but it wasn't a total lie because my charger was giving me problems anyways plus my phone was half dead when I had it before the switch. Mom already left to go to work so it was just me and Nikki. I was sitting in the living room eating my cereal and watching tv. Nikki was upstairs taking what seems like lifetime to pick out an outift from the limited wardrobe she has over her to go to the mall. I had a sneaking suspicion though that she was raiding my closet which wouldn't surpise me she is just lucky we are the same size in clothes including shoes.

That's my bestie for you she always has to have to perfect outfit for everthing and every occasion known to man kind. "Hey Brooke guess what I found." I heard Nikki chim with a huge grin on her face from the top of the stairs. She came down the stair with a big blue box in her hands. "My photo box?" I said confused.

"Yups, and you were soo cute when you were lil." She said handing me an old picture of me as a baby with a cute little pink dress on. There was another baby next to me, it was a boy, I knew it wasn't any of my brothers because they were all older than me except for one, but I've seen pictures of all my brothers as babies and this baby was NOT any of them. "B, who's the cutie next to you?" I took a good look at the baby next to me. "I don't really remember, check the back maybe there's something written on it. She turned the picture over to  and read the back."It says "Age: 3 months, Brooke and little Jacob. My eyes became as big as saucers, my face lit up, my jaw dropped,  I gasped "OH MY GOSH!!" I exclaimed. "I remember him! he was my next door neighbour when I was living in L.A, he was my best friend and my first friend actually.

He and I would do everything together; even when I was taking dance class he would always help me with the dance moves whether it was with ballet, ballroom dancing or even salsa. "In fact he kinda became my permant dance partner after the teacher saw how well we danced together." I said with pride. "You guys are soo cute." Nikki gushed. "I know, I was so adorable back then."  Nikki rolled her eyes at me and laughed. "Oh puh-leaze don't let your head swell up like a balloon there." I started putting the pictures back into the box. "Come on we better leave now, because I know how long you take to shop and if we stay here looking at my old pictures you're never gonna get your outfit." I said getting off the couch. She noddeed her head then started to help me put back the pictures in the box.  

Nikki called her mom dropped us off at the mall before she went off to work. Nikki and I worked our way through the entire mall going to every teen clothing store, shoe store and a few other stores like jewelry stores and of course we had to go to hit up every sale; you'd be surprise at the amazingly awesome stuff you can find on sale. Once I found the cutest nerd girl domo beanie, I rocked that everyday until the end of winter and of course it's become a tradition for me now so that beanie gets rocked every winter. We were just sitting on the bench outside of Berlington sipping on some frozen lemonades from the food court. "So you think you have your outfit now?" I asked looking on the mountains of bags we were carrying that sat around us on the ground.

"Yeah, I picked out my oufit when we were at your place." Nikki said taking a sip of her lemonade. My jaw dropped; I looked at her confused, "What are you talking?! we came to the mall BECAUSE you needed a NEW outfit." She looked away nervously "Uumm well you clothes is me because I haven't worn it yet and  do you remember when you said you would let me borrow your Nirvana top?" Her words were a bit rushed as they came out but still her voice remained calm. "Uh when did I agree to let you borrow one of my tops? and besides it's one of my favs." I wined. "Just now, and your gonna let me borrow it cause your the bestest bestie a girl could have besides retail therapy. Oh and since you're lending out clothes can I borrow your black ballet flats?" She asked giving me an innocent look, batting her eye lashes. "Fine, but please wash it before you give it back this time and Nik, don't push you luck you're getting to borrow one of my favourite tops." I said giving her a serious look. "Hey, I did wash it last time, but it's not my fault that it got messed up on it's way back to your closet." She said with a guilty look. 

After about another half hour we headed back home. We lived next door to each other so it wasn't hard for her to find her way back to my place, so when we got back we found my mom watching tv in her room. "Hey mom." I said walking over to the bed. "Hey Auntie Cindy." Nikki chimed in as she followed just behind me. "Hey girls"  my mom replied with a smile. "Mom, Nikki found some old pictures of me when I was lil in my room do you have anymore of them?" I asked, waiting for an answer as my mother sat there trying to remember where she put the other pictures. "Uuumm I'm not exactly sure where all those pictures are but you might want to check the attic for them." mom replied.

"Thanks" I said walking out the room with Nikki trailing not too far behind. We dropped the dozens of shopping bags on my bedroom floor and went back into the hallway. I stopped in the middle of the hallway and pulled down the ladder to the attic. "B before we go up there just know that if by chance a bat flys out of no where and attachs me, it should be forever on your conscience." I started to laugh at how ridiculous she was being. "Nik there aren't any bats in my attic and I know you hate attics but come on you'll be just fine." I said reassuringly. "Fine I'll come but obviously you've never seen a horror film." Nikki replied reluctantly following me up the ladder..........

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