Chapter 33: Let's Play Detective ...

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*Nikki' s P.O.V*

I laid there on the couch on the tour bus, thinking about how I should figure out who Brooke kissed. You're probably thinking that I'm crazy right now. After that whole thing with me and Ray, you would think when the shoe was on the other foot, Brooke would at lease tell me what was going on with her little love affair. No, I'm gonna be honest with you Brooke can be a hypocrite sometimes but I guess I can understand her situation. Ray and I just met and we were already in a relationship, I would think that was strange too if I was in her position. It's just different now, because I can see that she has chemistry with all these guys. Question was which was was the mystery lip locker?

"Babe, do you think any of the guys like Brooke?" I asked resting my head on his chest. "Uh, well yeah but why do you ask? you aren't jealous now are you?" I leaned in and kissed his lips softly. "No, of course not, the other guys aren't half as cute as you.", Ray looked at me a bit disappointed. I gave him a worried look "Ray, what's wrong?" "Nothing, it's just that all I get is "cute"?" I laughed slightly and bit my lower lip. "Ok, well you're aren't "cute" you're one of the sexiest guys I've ever dated, better?"

Ray wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me closer onto his embrace. "I think it would sound better if I was "THE" sexiest and not one of the sexiest guys you've dated, but I ain't worried, they can't compete with all of this." He said running his hand seductively over his chest, down to his rippling abs. "Whatever you gotta tell yourself Mr. Sexy, now I'm gonna go see if I can get anymore dirt on who Brooke kissed." I said, easing out of my comfortable spot in Ray's arms. "Wait, you can't!" he yelled, pulling me back by my wrist. I raised my brow slightly "What are you taking about? why not?" I could see his entire body becoming tense, "Uhmm, I- Brooke said she wanted to go shopping with right now." I looked at his suspiciously, "Boy, why you actin' so suspicious?"

"I'm not!" he said defensively, "Well how did you know B wants to go shopping if you've been with me the whole day?" I questioned him. "She told me ....yesterday, Nik you know Bre is she always forgetting stuff." Ok, something was definitely going on here, Brooke might forget a ton of things be one of the things she NEVER forgets, like EVER, is a shopping trip. Beads of sweat began racing down his face. Guilty much? "Ray-" "Yes Keisha!! what's that rehearsal?! I'll be right there!!" Ray yelled cutting me off.

"Sorry Nikki I gotta get going." Ray got up quickly got off the couch and gave me a quick peck on the cheek before running off the bus. That boy must think that he's all slick tryin' to get out of our conversation. How dumb did he really think I was? Keisha wasn't even with us, yesterday after we visited Prod's family she left to go back to L.A and Walter was taking her place while she was gonna be gone.As mad as I was that Ray was lying to me about something, now wasn't the time. I can get him back later, right now I had to find Brooke, maybe she could shed some light on Ray's strange behaviour.

I walked down the small passage where the bunks were and pulled the curtain for Brooke's bunk, she was laying there on the bunk, staring up at the ceiling with her ear buds in. I shook my head and pulled on of the ear buds out, making her aware of my presence. "Music playing, I'm busy Nik." she said without making eye contact. I sighed heavily and pulled out the ear bud once again, "Are you too zoned out to go shopping like you wanted us to?" That seemed to get her attention because the next thing I knew her head shot up from the pillow, hitting her head on the bunk she was right above her own. The loud "thud"  sound had me a bit concerned for a minute, "Ow!! Ok, so not my best moment I must admit.", she said holding her head. "Are you ok?" I asked. She simply gave me a weak smile, pausing her music and hopped out of her bunk.

"Wait, - I know I just hit my head a minute ago but I don't remember ever saying that I wanted to go shopping-" For some reason she stopped talking, she was just staring out into space with a confused look on her face. "What?" she said. "I don't understand wha- Ohhh!!! right shopping, I must have just forgot about that." Brooke said trying to casually play off her "mistake". I looked behind me to see Ray randomly walking by. Coincidence maybe or not? Something suspicious was seriously going on here. What were they hiding?

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