Chapter 11: Things Are Never Always Clear

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*Nikki's P.O.V*

At the concert yestureday I knew something was up with the guys, I wonder if Brooke noticed....It's not like they're not making any of this plain to see... it's just that Brooke always over looks these kinds of little details, well major details if you ask me. As her best friend I think that it's only right that I tell her but at the same time I kinda don't wanna say anything to her. I think she should find this out on her own because I know if the situation was reversed she would totally tell me; whether it's in front of the guys or not. "Why does this have to be so hard." I groaned, trying to figure out what I should do. I just hope it all works out and their isn't any awkwardness between any of them .......................

*Brooke's P.O.V*

 Nikki and I were on our way up to the guys' hotel room, I was SO excited to get the day to hang out with the guys!! Even though they were the same guys I've known for years and that's all I see them as, NORMAL people NOT celebrities but at the same time I think it's pretty cool that I'm gonna be spending the day with celebrities. I know I'm confusing but I'm feeling a mix of emotions right now. "B you gotta chill." Nikki said like she was high in a really calm and chilled voice, intrrupting my thoughts. "I can't I just really wanna just hang out with the guys right now and this elevator is taking FOREVER!!" I said tapping my foot impatiently. "Then why didn't we just take the stairs? at least you wouldn't have anything to complain about." Nikki replied. I turned to Nikki giving her a crazy look."Nik you know your my girl on all but  have you lost your god damn mind?!" I exclaimed putting my hands on my hips.

"Two things Nik, one these shoes are NOT made for walkin' and two I am NOT gonna drag my lazy ass up thirteen flights of stairs in these shoes just to see the guys?! Girl bye." Nikki rolled her eyes

"Brooke those are hightops they're practically sneakers." She said pointing at my multicolored Nike hightops. " Um hello sneakers are plain and ugly and boring" I whined. "Hightops are way cuter and they are fasionable. You really need to follow my style more." I said placing my arm over her shoulder. "B what style, you don't really have one, one day you're dress like a skater chic, then gothic/punk rock, then girlly girl then then next you turn full on tomboy and then simply casual and then I don't even know." Ok so she was right about that I really don't have a style, my style is influenced by ......ok so I just like a lot of styles sue me.

"The door finally stopped on the thirteenth floor,  we exited the elevator and wondered through the halls until we found the boys' suite. Which to be honest wasn't that hard to find; it was the only suite that had two large guards in front of them. I was just surprise at how quiet the hallways seemed to be with only us and the two guards. You would have thought it would have a large crowd of girls swarming in front of the door but no. The hotel's manager wouldn't let you past the front desk if you weren't registering to stay in a room or unless your name was written on a list of people who were allowed to come up to the room. Which lucky for us, we were.

Once we got up to the guards they asked us our names, after telling them our names and checking the list in his hand; one of them disappeared into the room, I assumed to ask Keisha whether to let us in or not. After he came back he opened the door to excourted us in. When we got in the room we saw  Prodigy sleeping on the couch with his earbuds in, shades still on and his face was hidden under his hoodie what was covering his face.  Roc and Ray were sitting on the floor playing a Black Ops and Princeton.......................well he was no where in sight. Where could he be I wondered. It was obvious to us that they hadn't realized that we were in the room.

I crept over to Craig on the couch, moved the hoodie from his face and gave him a kiss on the cheek, his eyes slowly started to open. He looked up at me with a smirk; "I'm glad you still know how to wake me up." Prodigy said in a hushed whisper. I smiled "You haven't changed a bit and how could I? I love waking you up anyways even though you're pretty cute when you're sleeping." I said whispering back with a smile and a wink. I looked over at Roc and Ray and they  were still focusing intensly on the game that they still hadn't notice that Nikki and I were in the room. I quietly creeped between them and gave them each a kiss on the cheek. They paused the game and Ray throw his arm over me pulling me down on him in a big bear hug. " I missed you too Ray." I said laughing.

Ray let go of me, ending the hug. I turned to Roc who was smiling warmly at me. "I didn't hear you say hi to me Brooke, maybe you should tell me again." he said turning his cheek to me for me to kiss it again. I giggled and kissed his cheek softly once again. He smirked "That's better." I rolled my eyes. "Whatever, where's Prince?" I asked.

"Check the rooms." Ray said as Nikki walked over, turning his attention towards her now. I walked down the hallway. I poked my head in the door way to see Jacob laying on his bed writing in a green book covered with alot of different things glued or taped to the cover. That must be his poetry book I thought to myself. " Hey Jake whatcha writin' ?" I asked sitting on edge of the bed. He smiled sweetly at me and closed the book. "Hey Brooke, it's nothing really." What's with these boys, but is it me or are they acting a bit weird. "Why are you back here by yourself?" I asked concerned. "It's nothing I just wanna hang by myself for a little." I looked down when he said that. "Oh well...I guess I should leave then right?" I said trying not to sound as disappointed as I was getting up off the bed. "No!" Prince said pulling me back on the bed. "No?"

"Come on Bonita you know I love having you around." said Princeton patting the spot next to him on the bed. I gave him a weak smile, kicked off my hightops and socks and crawled next to him in the bed, resting my head on the soft pillow as I slowly started drifting off to sleep.......................................

*************************************************************************************************************** Hey guys !! :) I didn't have much time today  and I knew ya'll were waiting on me to update so I know that this chapter is really short but I did update so stay tuned for the next chapter and Sorry :( I don't have alot of time these days so please uderstand if you I post some short chapters.


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