so last night I decided to watch the "IT" movie not the 2018 crappie one nooo I'm talking about the original IT movie , but I was watching the movie with my bestfriend and HER BROTHER . (I couldn't even sleep last night)
you're maybe thinking why did you make HER BROTHER in CAPS because cause ima tell you what might happen today with him and me, We are going on a date cause this DUMBASS decided to lie about having a girlfriend to he's friends and he's friends told him to bring he girlfriend to hangout with them so he is paying me 30 dollars to act like I'm he's girlfriend but if he has to prove were dating to he's friends and has to kiss me I get 98 dollars then. It feels a little weird cause we are a year apart he's older then me ...
so last night tho I already kissed him cause I lost in a gold fish game and if you lose you have to pick a card from the deck of queens and kings if you got a queen you got to kiss a girl if you got a king you have to kiss a guy ...and I got a king.....he was the only boy there RIIIIPPPPPP....
Keep Smiling Cause Life SUCKS
Diversosabout me I guess not interesting ....this is what is happening in my life ...maybe you can give me some pointers or whatever you want to do ....bleh