Chapter 2- I Get To See Her Again

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Chapter 2- I Get To See Her Again

Amber P.O.V-

I sat on the bench as i watched Dahlia in the play ground. She had made a friend with a boy around her age, maybe a year or two older and they were playing tag.

I looked around the playground but didn't see someone else here. So it made me question, where the boys parents are?

I walked over to them and crouched in front of the boy. He looked at me a huge smile on his face and his brown hair in a mess on his head. His blue eyes bright with excitement.

"Hey, where's your parents?" I smiled at him.

"Xavy said that there in a better place." He smiled back, i almost wanted to cry at his innocence. "There in Hawaii!" He added full of excitement. I burst out laughing.

"So where's Xavy?" I asked the name felt foreign on my tongue, yet i still loved the sound of it. I assume it's a nickname of some kind.

" He's at the beach with Tommy, but i don't like the beach. The sand goes everywhere." He said using exaggerated hand gestures. "So i ran."

"Well we should take you back, Xavy and Tommy are probably worried." I explained, standing up and lifting him up and resting him on my hip. I grabbed Dahlia's hand and guided them towards the beach.

The beach was quite crowded, i guess everyone was trying to savor the last few days of summer. Two people stuck out the most. They were calling out a name, looking around frantically.

I slowly approached one of them. There body changing from a silhouette to someone i recognize. The boy at the party, the one i bumped into.

I thought about him all night. His face didn't' seem to leave my head, almost like it was tattooed into me. I still couldn't figure out why he would lie, and what he said originally.

His face morphed into relief when he saw the boy in my arms. He ran towards us, and snatched the boy from me.

"Mikey, thank god i found you." He sighed hugging him. The other boy had noticed us and had ran over.

"Tommy!" Mikey exclaimed holding his arms up to the boy who had just arrived. Tommy gladly took him, hugging Mikey the same way the other boy did.

I smiled picking up Dahlia and started to walk away from the beach.

"Wait!" A voice called out. I turned to see the boy from the party running towards me. He stopped in front of me.

"Xavy i guess?" I said, a smirk spread on his face.

"Xavier actually, and your name is?" He asked looking me up and down.

"No" I smiled at him, putting Dahlia down so she could play with the sand.

"No?" He questioned, as i watched Dahlia.

"You don't get to know my name yet." I laughed slightly.

"Hows that fair you know mine?" He asked playfully.

"Life's not fair my friend." I patted him on the back. There was a comfortable silence as we watched Dahlia play.

"Sister? Daughter?" He broke the silence.

"Niece?" I smiled. He turned to look at me, i did the same.

"Do i get to know her name?" He grinned.

"Dahlia." I answered, something flashed in his eyes but i couldn't quite place it.

"Something wrong?" I questioned.

"No, just recognize the name. Can't remember where from though." He said thoughtfully.

"Well i need to get home so i can get her to sleep." I exclaimed picking up Dahlia, who whined slightly.

"Where's her parents?" He asked curiously, eyeing Dahlia.

"There not in the picture. I've raised little miss trouble since she was born." I said poking dahlia's nose making her giggle.

"Must of been hard." He smiled genuinely.

"It was, but i couldn't imagine not having her." I smiled back at him. "Well, see you later." I waved and started to walk away again.

"I don't have your number!" He called.

"If it's meant to be we'll see each other again." I shouted, not looking at him.

It's the next day, which happens to be the first day of school. I've already dropped Dahlia of at daycare, and i'm now waiting to meet Stacy at my locker.

"Hey weirdo what's up?" Stacy said as she excitedly approached my locker.

"I'm fine. Why so happy?" I asked cautiously, last time she was this happy she put pink hair dye in my shampoo. I admit that was not a good look for me.

"New kids, and lots of them." She grinned. "They think there's about fifteen of them."

Instantly Xavier flashed in my mind. He's got to be in his senior year, I've never see him around before. So i assume he's new in town.

Right at that moment the door slammed open and people walked in, people I've never seen. The new kids. As Stacy said there were around fifteen of them, and at the front of the group was Xavier.

His eyes met mine, causing him to nearly walk into a few people but someone else caught my attention.

The boy to his right, someone i haven't seen in two years. Brandon. I ran to him. Xavier thinking it was him held out his arms, but i ran past him.

Brandon's face turned into realization, as he saw me. I jumped into his arms and he hugged me tightly. Tears ran down my face as i stuffed my face into the crook of his neck.

I heard a low growl kind of sound, and Brandon looked up hesitantly.

"Is your boyfriend mad?" I joked into his neck. I felt his chest vibrate as he laughed.

"Nah worse, my best friend." He said dramatically. I took a step away from Brandon, to see Xavier.

His eyes were almost pitch black, his cheeks were red and you could basically see the steam coming out his ears. Although i think my eyes were exaggerating slightly.

"Way to ruin a family reunion, Xavier." Brandon glared at him.

"Family?" Xavier asked, looking at the both of us suspiciously.

"This is my sister." Brandon said slowly.

"And her name is?" Xavier smirked.

"No!" I exclaimed. "You can't ask anyone, you have to figure it out on your own."

"Wait, if your here that means... Mum" I sighed.

"You can't avoid her for ever." He argued.

"I know, i know." I sighed.

Stacy popped in my head suddenly, and i realized that i left her. I looked around and saw her talking to Xavier's brother Tommy. I would guess that Tommy is sixteen like us and Xavier was eighteen like Brandon.

"Dahlia!" Brandon suddenly exclaimed, a huge smile on his face. "I get to see her again."

"You sure do." I smiled.

"I haven't seen her in person since she was born." He said and i think i saw tears in his eyes.

"The funny thing is that Xavier and Tommy saw her before you did." He frowned, as he turned to Xavier who had been watching us intently.

"That's why i recognized her name!" Xavier exclaimed. He smiled in victory, making me smile in return.

~Authors Note~

I hope you liked this chapter, another will be up soon. So until next time, Bye...

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