Chapter 3- Love you Daddy

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Chapter 3- Love you Daddy

Amber P.O.V-

"I'm so nervous, it's been so long." He said, tapping his foot and drinking a glass of coke.

It was after school and Brandon had followed me home. I was about to pick up Dahlia, and he had been going on about what he should say.

"Well it's time i pick her up, so why don't you pull yourself together." I suggested, walking out the door.

I drove to daycare and jumped out the car. The woman at reception smiled at me, everyone seems to know me here. Well I am the sixteen year old looking after a two year old.

They know she's not mine. They know all about Brandon and my mother, and they felt sorry for Brandon. Being forced to leave your daughter was a disgusting thing for my mother to make him do.

I walk into the class and saw Dahlia playing with a dollhouse, but before I could go to her a woman, Clare, approached me. As always.

"Hey, sorry i'm late." I said to her, keeping my eyes on Dahlia.

"You know it's okay to get here a little late. You have school and a life." She said softly.

"Yeah but you shouldn't have to deal with her because I want to talk to some friends." I argued.

"Were open till six" She laughed.

"But she'll get upset if I wait to long." I finished, there was no beating that. Once i was thirty minutes later and when I got here she was sobbing on the floor. "Anyway my brother just moved here." I grinned.

"As in her Dahlia's dad." Clare smiled.

"As in Dahlia's dad." I confirmed. " Him and a bunch of other people just moved here."

"That's probably why we got a few new kids today as well."

I looked to see there were some new faces, one stuck out in particular. The boy from the park, Mikey. He was playing with one of the other new kids, large Lego pieces sprawled out on the table in front of them.

"AMBY, AMBY!" Dahlia suddenly screamed, looking around frantically. When she spotted me her face lit up, she immediately ran over and hugged my leg.

"Lia we have a very special guest, so your going to be nice and polite OK?" I wouldn't want Brandon thinking I raised his daughter to be a demon.

"OK." She squealed, she loves meeting new people.

I got her in her booster seat and started to drive home. Once i got her out the car she basically sprinted to the door. Which was really pointless as i have the key.

We walked into the living room to see Brandon on the sofa nervously playing with his hands.

"We're home!" I said, making him look up just noticing us.

His eyes immediately landed on Dahlia, he stared at her smiling. Dahlia looked at Brandon closely, before letting out a gasp. She ran away and up the stairs as fast as she could. Brandon's face turned into a frown and he looked like he was on the verge of crying, his lip quivering slightly.

"Does she hate me?" He choked.

"Nah, she's just getting something." I smiled, understanding what's happening. "She'll be down in a minute.

A few seconds later Dahlia came running down the stairs, her back pack on. In her hand was a picture. She kept glancing at the picture then at Brandon, who's eyes were now full of hope.

"Daddy?" She muttered questioning herself. Brandon's smile widened answering the question. "Daddy." She squealed jumping at him, he hugged her. Holding her as close as possible, almost like he never wanted to let go.

When he finally let go, Dahlia took of her backpack. Handing it to Brandon. He smiled at the monkey on the bag before putting it to the side, Dahlia shook her head.

"No!" She insisted picking it up and handing it to Brandon again. "For daddy."

"For me?" Brandon asked. Dahlia just nodded in response.

Brandon slowly opened the back and pulled out it's contents, which was a stack of drawings and a few clay models.

"What's this?" He asked looking at each drawing in detail.

"Me and Daddy." She smiled proud of her work. He looked up at me wanting an explanation.

I had been standing up and watching them together. They looked so adorable. Dahlia was sitting on Brandon's lap as he held a picture in front of them. Dahlia would point out who everyone was and what they were doing. The majority was of her and Brandon, but a few had Stacy and i in them.

"Once she found out what a dad was she's been preparing for you to come back. It's what she does most of the time" I smiled at her.

It was the truth. I would walk into her room and she would be sitting at her little table drawing a picture, when i would ask her why, she would reply with daddy's presents. I had given her a picture of Brandon she could look at when she wanted. Sometimes before she goes to sleep I can hear her talking to the picture. Every time she showed me a picture or model of Brandon it would break my heart, because i knew that it would be incredibly rare that we would see him again but she never lost hope. There have been days in which she cried for hours wanting her dad but then next day she would be back to her happy self. She loved her dad, even if he wasn't here.

A few tears trailed down his face, i could tell he was happy. Dahlia turned around to look at Brandon, but when she saw his tears she frowned.

"No cry. Do you no like?" She cried. Gripping the paper tightly, holding it up to him. "I made for daddy."

"I love the pictures, i just missed you so much." He smiled weakly pulling her into another hug.

"Love you daddy." Dahlia mumbled, grasping his shirt.

"Love you too baby girl."

~Authors note~

I hoped you liked this chapter, i actually enjoyed writing it. I have a few ideas on what's going to happen so it shouldn't take long for me to right another chapter. So until next time, Bye...

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