Chapter 3

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"Dad I think you need to get a new couch. This one is like a rock." I rolled over from laying on my back to my stomach. He held his face just a few inches away from his computer screen and if I really wanted to I bet that I could sneak up behind him and push his face in. Dad's jaw was slightly open, tempting any and all flies to enter. Holding his head up by his left arm Dad was engrossed with his work and I know what that means.

"Dad I am out of hot chocolate" I whined again. For a split second I saw his eyes flick to me then back to his work.

Huffing and rolling my eyes I look at the tips of my hair. Maybe I should ask if I can go get them dyed a cool color. No, Dad would kill me. But Mom on the other hand would be an easier choice. While focusing on my hair my eyes travel to the floor.

"Daddy I feel dizzy" I groan and lay my head on the couch waiting for something, anything happen. Today is just not my day I guess. Taking a deep breath I close my eyes and think my plan through once more.

Here goes nothing.

I fling my body over the side of the couch and land on the floor on my back "oof"

"Oh my god Sophia," Dad turned in his wheely chair and faces me on the floor. He stands up and walks over to me and squats down by my head "you know kid, purposely hurting yourself is not going to make me give you attention when I am at work." Rolling my eyes once again I take his open hand and stand up.

"Well if you wouldn't be such a workaholic I wouldn't need to go to extremes." Now it was Dad's time to roll his eyes.

"Yeah well if you want a roof over your head and food in your stomach I need to keep working." He walks back to his desk and opens up one of the drawers. Pulling his hand out with his wallet and grabbing 2 five dollar bills. "Why don't you go get some food from the vending machines? You always get whiny when you are hungry."

Taking the money I head to the doors "and while you are out can you just chill in Marcus's office for a while? I need to call Stein in a few minutes" I nod and smile at him.

"Sure Dad. I'd love to annoy your assistant."


"Oh Marcus!" I sing his name while knocking on his office door. I heard nothing on the other side so I took that as my 'come in.' Entering the office it looks bland and white and brown. Bland if we must call it that. There sat Markus with his dirty blonde hair all in a mop on top of his head and his blue eyes hid behind thick black rimmed glasses.


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"Nope." While furiously typing on his computer he raises his arm and points towards the door I just came in. Without missing a beat he shakes his head and keeps typing at the same speed he was with two hands "I don't have time for your games today Sophia."

I shrug my shoulders innocently,"I don't know what you mean Marky." I laugh and sit down in one of his chairs. It wasn't one that you wheel around on but it was a good one to sit sideways and hang your legs over the side. Marcus kept typing and I sat quietly for a while. That was until my stomach growled and caused him to wheel away from his desk dramatically and look at me.

"Please leave Sophia, I have a lot of work I need to do for your father and having you here will only be a distraction to me

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"Please leave Sophia, I have a lot of work I need to do for your father and having you here will only be a distraction to me." I swing my legs back and forth on the chair.

"Dad said that I needed to come in here while he is working." I told him as I started picking the nail polish off my nails. Marcus muttered some choice words that I will not repeat and leaned back in his chair while covering his face.

"Anyway can you take me to the vending machines? I'm hungry." I stated. Marc didn't move for a few seconds but bregrudenly got up and followed me out of his office.

"I don't get paid enough for this." I heard him mutter under his breath. I kept it to myself that I heard it and kept walking. As we turn the corner we enter the break room and head straight for the machines. "Be fast. I have things to do." Marcus demanded and went to sit down on one of the blue chairs by the windows. Giving the machine the money I buy a can of cola soda and two bags of doritos. Walking back over to Marc he looks at me dread in his eyes.

"Nope. Absolutely not. You will not eat those orange dust covered chips and that sticky soda in my office. You'll ruin all my things." He basically cried out.

Making a face at him I hold my food close to me, "don't worry you big baby. Dad should be done with his stuff anyway. I will just go to his office and eat since you have such important things to be doing. I wouldn't want to bother you." Walking out of the break room I hear Marcus call for me to come back but I don't.

All he is anyway is Albert's replacement.

All he is anyway is Albert's replacement

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Knocking on dad's office I wait for him to let me in. When He does I go straight for the couch and sit down.

"Uhm Sophie? What are you eating baby?" I hold up the chip bags and the soda with an annoyed look on my face. Can he not see it? It's in my arms right in front of him. "If you are going to eat those you need to eat them at the table babe. You know that."

Walking over to the table I toss my chips on to it and sit down rather loudly. "And if you are going to have an attitude then you can sit at the table for the rest of the day."

Why can't I just have anything go well for me today? First Dad makes me get up early and go to work with him. Then he makes me leave his office to talk to the stuck up Marcus who, by the way, hates my guts. All he is here for was to replace Albert and I hate him. All Marcus does is kiss my father's butt and complains. I don't try to piss off Marc, he just is too sensitive. I wish Albert was back and Marc was someone else. Great, now I am in a crappy mood because I thought of Al.

"What are you thinking about beautiful?" Dad calls from behind his desk. I notice that I have gone through all my chips and soda without a second thought. Man, I'm still hungry. I come out of my thoughts and look up at him.

"Nothing Daddy. Just tired." I lie. Dad nods and reaches up to shut down his computer.

"Well I hope you're not too tired to skip the rest of the work day and go to our favorite place?" He laughs as he stands and stretches his hands over his head. Squinting my eyes at him I stood up and walked over to the trash can.

"Only if I get two scoops this time." I bargain with him.

Laughing once again Dad pulls me into his said for a hug

"oh my dear it's like your father is a businessman."

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