Chapter 11

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"Do I get to sit next to you are am I not a friend?" Collin asks and my mouth hangs open. I must be seeing things. Col isn't really here and I am just hallucinating. Collin stood there in his slate grey suit with a big smile on his face, flowers in hand, and a stuffed bear. Jumping up from my chair I run to Col and wrap my arms around him.

"Oh well I guess this means we are friends" he laughs and awkwardly wraps his arms around me too

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"Oh well I guess this means we are friends" he laughs and awkwardly wraps his arms around me too.

Laughing I lean back but I keep my arms around him "I thought you were coming in tonight"

"I thought I'd surprise my favorite girl and bring her flowers and a teddy bear." Col hands me one of the bouquet of flowers and and pink and white teddy bear. "And I got some sunflowers for your mother" he says and hands over the second bouquet to Mom.

"Orange roses! My favorite

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"Orange roses! My favorite. Thank you Collin." Setting the roses on the table where Jordan still sat I picked up his menu from in front of him and sat it at our table "come eat with us Jordan. You are apart of this family." I sat right back in the middle chair and watched Jordan look to my Dad nervously for approval.

"Sophia I thought I told you-" Dad began to start up again and I rolled my eyes. Here we go.

"Let the poor girl eat with the people she wants to eat with brother. It is not hurting you to let Jordan eat at the same table as you." Collin takes his suit jacket off and lays it over the chair to my left before pulling the chair out and sitting in it. "Besides we don't need any of the paparazzi outside to think 'Caden Davidson's black employee isn't allowed to sit at the same table as his family!' You need some kind of good publicity in your life right now."

Dad let out a defeated breath and nods an agreement "Fine. Jordan come sit at our table. Sophia lose the attitude."

I smile victoriously and pat Jordan's chair again "Your seat awaits Jordan."

Jordan sat in his rightful chair and picks up the menu again without a word. Dad began to talk to Collin about work and Mom was on her phone. I didn't miss the quiet thank you that came from my right. "Don't worry about it. You sit next to me at family outings from now on." I whisper quietly and watch a smile rise on his face.

"So what is good here? I am tired of spaghetti"


Laughing I watch Col suck up a noodle from his pasta. Jordan decided on the lasagna and Mom got a gnocchi pasta. Dad, Col, and I got chicken alfredo. Lunch went well after everyone got their food. I guess that saying "You aren't you when you're hungry" is a real thing.

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"So I hear that you are going to real school now?" Collin asks before taking another bite of his pasta

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"So I hear that you are going to real school now?" Collin asks before taking another bite of his pasta.

"Collin she always went to real school. Now it is just with other kids." Dad shakes his head. Brothers.

"Yeah I start school soon." I twirl my food around in the bowl.

Col leans over and nudges my arm with his "Nervous?" Smiling I blush and nod my head. "Well I will have you know that you are going to my old school so you have a reputation you need to keep up for me."

"Absolutely not Collin." Dad quickly stops Collin from continuing.


"I do not need my daughter to be associated with your stupid school pranks, bad grades, and parties that always end in the cops being called. She is going there for the social experience and to learn. Not to keep up your reputation." Dad looks disgusted at uncle Col.

"Wait" Both men turn to look at me "you threw parties?"

Collin nods "Yeah Me and your D-"

"Collin! Stop." Dad tried to end the conversation but Col would not have it.

"Your Dad and I would throw the biggest parties around. Sure the cops got called once in a while but we had the best time."

"Wouldn't Grandpa and Grandma be mad?" I ask amazed to hear that even my Dad threw parties in high school.

"Oh Lord Collin you are ruining her and she hasn't even gotten to school yet." Dad put his face in his hands.

"We never told them! I am sure Grandpa and Grandma knew but they never said anything about it and we never told them. They were always gone on work anyway so as long as we had the house cleaned up before they got home it was no biggie."

"I can't believe you did that Cade" Mom laughs finally joining the conversation.

"Yeah well I never want to relive those days" Dad groans with his head in his hands. Pulling his face out of hiding Dad looks at me with a deadly look, "do not, by any circumstance, think you will be throwing high school party or attending one. Trust me when I say this. You may think I don't or won't know but I will." Taking a drink of my water I gulp.

"Don't worry Dad. I don't think I will be interested in throwing any parties.

"Just saying Soph, if you ever decided to throw one let me know. I know how to throw awesome parties!" Col laughed

"Alright Col" I giggled

"Sophia no!" 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2019 ⏰

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