Chapter 7

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I woke up before my alarm did this morning. It was weird, that kind of stuff doesn't normally happen. Sitting up in bed I look at my phone to see that it is only six in the morning. The sun hasn't even woken up yet. Everything I said last night I meant. I wanted my family back in the same home for one day. If it was just one day then I'd be happy. I miss Albert and Collin.

Deciding to just get up for the day and not pout in bed I head to my closet and grab what I call my Casual Essentials. Jeans, a sweater, and tennis shoes. I picked out my orange graphic sweater for the day and get dressed quickly. Leaving my hair to just lay straight down I walk into my bathroom to brush my teeth and put mascara on. Stepping back I do a final check at my appearance before deciding that I am good enough for public interactions. Grabbing my phone and leaving my room with my door wide open I speed walk my way to the kitchen following the smell of bacon. Minding my own business I place my phone in my back pocket as I enter the kitchen totally ignoring dad kissing mom while she sits on the counter top and head straight for the food. Dad stood in between her legs in only a pair of sweatpants while mom wore shorts and an old T-shirt. Grabbing my plate I head to sit in my normal seat at the island and dig in. Mom pulled away from dad once she heard me sit down.

"Lord Sophia! Don't sneak around the house like that

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"Lord Sophia! Don't sneak around the house like that. You scare the living daylights out of me every time." Dad stood there pouting up at mom over the fact that they stopped kissing.

"Sorry mom. I didn't want to disturb you." I say with a mouth full of bacon.

Sliding off the counter she smiles at me "anyway you are up early. What's up? It's a Sunday"

I shrug and take another mouth full of eggs "I just woke up" nodding mom says something about getting ready to shop and leaves the kitchen and heads upstairs. Dad slowly walks over to the stool next to me and sits down with his own plate.

"I hope you are ready for today Sweet pea because we are going shopping." Dad takes a bite of his food and pulls out his backup phone.

"Shopping for what?"

"Well for you." he says while scrolling through his phone.

"Why for me? I don't need clothes." I ask. They are up to something.

"Well speaking of that I have to tell you something." Dad sits back in his seat and puts his hands behind his head. "Your mother and I have been talking for a while now and well... we noticed that most of your friends are not necessarily your age and... well... we thought it would be a good idea to give you some kind of social life outside of ours. Anyway we talked a school named Farron High school. The one that is just down the road from us. Since you are so far ahead in your homeschooling we thought it would be a great idea for you to take half days at the school then come to my work afterwards. That way you can make friends that are close to your age!" My dad finished with a nervous smile on his face while facing me in his stool.

I didn't say anything for a moment. School, and not just any school but a high school. One of the pros of being home schooled meant that I can take my learning at my pace. I technically should be in the eighth grade. Instead I am at a freshman grade level or ninth grade. So that's pretty cool I guess. Mom as a stickler for education. "So I am going to be in school?" I ask for clarification. Dad slowly nods and gives me a nervous smile.

"When do I start?" I felt indifferent. Happy because I would be able to meet people and make friends. Expand my horizons as Mom would say. But also nervous because I would be around new people that I did not know. What if they don't like me? Or worse, something no kid should have to think about.

What if they like me just for my family's reputation?

"Well we decided to let you go Friday and see how things work out. If all things go smoothly then you will start your next full week after that. If you make it to their Christmas break then we can see if we want to make this a permanent schedule" Dad stood up and walked to the sink to place his dishes away. "You will be escorted to and from your classes with a body guard that you and I will pick out together. Now you aren't really required to do your homework but I am sure your mother would appreciate it greatly if you attempted to at least stay busy while you are there. Other than that you don't really need much else." Dad places his hands in his pockets and begins to leave the kitchen.

"We will be ready by 10. We will eat lunch some place nice so your mother doesn't have to worry about the food court. So please busy yourself with something while you wait." Dad headed upstairs and I was left alone in the kitchen.

Pulling out my phone from my back pocket I place it on the table in front of me and stare off. I could actually have friends! Real friends. We could have sleepovers and go to the movies or the mall. Heck I'd even go for a homework session if I could. Crap I am only twelve years old, soon to be thirteen. All these kids are fourteen, maybe, and up to eighteen. I'm going to be a baby in there. A twelve year old freshman in high school. They are going to tear me apart in there.

My phone lights up in front of me and I sit up straighter to lean over and look at the screen.

New Message: Uncle Col

Reaching for my phone I quickly unlock it and go to the message. It was a photo of him typing on his laptop with the weirdest look on his face. His hair was a mess and he looked comfy in his dark jeans and navy blazer. He never was one to wear suits like my father but he does always look put together with his blazers and black T-shirts. Reading over the massage I smile.

Hope you're having a fab day girl!

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Hope you're having a fab day girl!

I'm on my way home in the next few hours so expect me to stop by tomorrow.

Miss you!

Xx Your fav uncle Col

Leaning back in my stool I spin a little bit grinning. My family is on their ways home!

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