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In math class
Math teacher: You all always didn't concentrate in class. The first 30 minutes you listen but after that you all just keep talking!

A boy: Teacher we are very tired

Math teacher: Yeah and I'm tired of seeing your math results


Thinking a nickname of me and my friends in this story.

Cactus: l want to be cabbage

White: If you're cabbage then I will be garbage

Cactus: Oh I know! I want to be acne

White: Then I'll be pimple

*a few seconds later*

Cactus: I'll be miracle, and you *points to White* will be toner. (Miracle toner is a brand)

Red: Then I'll be pimple cream.

This is from last week.

Cactus: I want to go work in a bookstore during the holidays.

Red: what can you do there, arrange books on shelf? Are you even tall enough?

Cactus: *draw a picture of a stickman*

The picture looks like - :>)

White: Why are there two mouths?

Cactus: Where got two mouths, it's a nose!

Red: I thought it's a double chin...

From a long time ago.
*boys flip bottle and it end up on top of the notice board which is quite high*

Boy 1 : eh boy 2, I bet you can't reach the bottle.

Boy 2 : what you don't think I can? Are you challenging me? Here, I'll show you I'm tall enough!

Boy 2 : *walks towards the notice board dramatically*

Boy 2 : *hand slams onto the glass of the notice board*

*a few seconds later*

Boy 2 : No actually I can't reach it. *walks back to his place*


Cactus: *screams*

Maple: wait that's you screaming? I thought it's a crow!

This part has something to do with races. If you're easily offended then please skip this part, thanks!

Red: Eh is [boy's name] Buddhist? Can't be eh... he's so white

White: Are you saying that I'm black? *is offended*

Red: No I just say that he's white so he can't be a Buddhist

Cactus: She's just indirectly saying that you're black

Maple: Come on none of us are white. I agree with the conversation I had with Red, our skin colour are just like potato skin.


That's all for now. I hope you guys have a good laugh.

Thanks for reading!

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