Chapter 1

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It's been one day since we set off for Amelia coven and it has been the worst day ever but luckily we will be there tomorrow. Kraven is sour as hell and Drake is talking with dad all the time leaving me to myself. So much fun right. I went to the front of the boat where dad had left that stuff and sat down.

I can't believe dad made that contact because he didn't need to and the fact he felt like he needed to boggles me. I would do anything he asks of me but he doesn't feel that way does he? I sigh heavily and then heard Lily say "What is wrong Jade."

I turned to her and said, "What's not wrong Lily, Sonja is dead, dad and Drake are very secretive, dad doesn't trust me and Kraven is been very sour."

"Well I can't help with Sonja that is something your father should do and as for Drake and Victor I'm sure they're talking about you after all you may be married soon," she said as she walked over to me. "Your father is having a hard to time to trust anyone because of Sonja so just give him time and as for Kraven that is because he can't have what he wants."

"Yeah but how long will it take dad to trust me or talk to me and I can't help Kraven after all it was dads choice," I said.

She sat next to me, nudged me and said: "But you know you want to married Drake."

I blushed and looked away from her making her chuckle at me. I looked at her and saw Drake was behind her. "What are you lady's doing," Drake said.

"Nothing," Lily said. "Lily do you mind if I speak with Jade," he said.

"Nope," she said and shot up like a lightning bolt. I went to go grab her which made her laugh and take off quicker. She whispered something to him making him smile. Once she was gone I said, "What did she say, Drake."

"Nothing," he said. I growled him but said nothing making him laugh. I rolled my eyes at him and stood up. "How can I help you, Drake."

"I just have a question," he said as he walked over to me. I backed up until I hit to boat. I was looking at the floor making him put his fingers under my chin to make me look at him. He rubbed my cheek with his thumb, kissed me softly and pulled back just an inch from my face to say said: "What are you doing back here by your self."

" Well... you... see and dad were so busy as well as Kraven sulking so I got bored I decided to come here to see if there was anything to do."

"O really well I can give you something to do."

I cooked my head and started to say something but was interrupted by Kraven saying from behind Drake "Viktor wishes to see the both of you."

"OK thank you Kraven," I said as I slipped out of Drakes arms making him growl in frustration as I practical ran to dad with Kraven following suit with a smile on his face why I don't know. Once there dad was I said: "What did you need a daddy."

He chuckled at me and said, "I need Drake too so where is he."

"Right here," he said as he wrapped his arms around me and put his head on my shoulder. "Drake were is your home at I believe it was near Amalia coven."

"Yes, it is why if you don't mind my asking."

"I figure we would drop the elder at her coven and instead of inferring on them just stay at your house till we are well and rested to move to are old coven house," dad said.

"Well and rested dad does that mean you are still hurt," I said as I wiggled out of Drake's arm and walked over to dad to check his wounds. He grabbed my hand, pulled me into a hug and said: "I am fine little one but we all need a rest and to recover are blood loss."

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