Chapter 21

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It Monday and I'm getting are carriage ready for us to leave but we still need to tell Jade about us leaving which will be fun. So I went to find Viktor who was in the living room talking with Tanis. Once they saw me Viktor said, "Are you ready to leave."

"Other than the fact we need to tell Jade yes."

He sat back and said, "What fun that will be."

I walk over to Tanis and said: "Yes but are you all ready to leave or no."

"We will leave today but Viktor will leave tomorrow."

"All ready Viktor I thought you were leaving a week after."

"I was but with you and Jade leaving I might as well to help them."

I shook my head and said, "I suppose, Tanis leave so we can talk to Jade in private."

He shook his head and left while Viktor called Jade into the room to tell her. We both looked at her as I held my hand out and said: "Come here angel we need to talk."

"We need to talk Jade about us leaving."

She said, "What do you mean dad when are we leaving."

It's not we at all and she isn't going to be happy at all so I said: "It's not we angel."

She looked at me and said, "What do you mean Drake."

"We aren't going with Viktor Jade."

Her look said it all when she said: "But don't you need Drake dad being he is a council member."

"Not any more Jade," Viktor said, "I don't want you hurt so you and Drake are not coming with me."

"You can't dad I need to be with you."

"No you need to stay with your husband and you need to be safe Jade."

The next thing we know she ran off making Viktor say her name but she didn't care and just ran off. I looked at Viktor and said, "Let me go handle her and I will bring her to you when she calms down."

He shook his head and said, "I will be in my room so bring her there."

I shook my head and left for upstairs to find Jade. I knew she went to are room see there is nowhere else to go so that's where I went. I opened the door and saw she was on the bed but nevertheless less I slammed it shut making her go farther on the bed.

I growl at her as I said: "Look at me."

She looked at me like I told her to and said: "You didn't give a rats ass I did you, Drake, you just married me because dad ordered you and that's why you did so quickly."

What the fuck gave her the idea that I didn't care about her and that fucking pisses me off so I walked over to her making her crawl back on the bed but I'm not done with her so grabbed her ankles and pulled her to me. Once she was next to me I crawled on her and grabbed her face with my hands so she will look at me making her grab my hands as I said: "I married you because I love you and you are mine, Jade."

I growled the last part because she is mine and she will always be then I said: "You are mine Jade do you understand that."

She shook her head as I said: "Understand this Jade you are mine and you go where I go and do as I say."

She shook her head and as she did she whimpered softly so I let her go. She turned her face away from me and then her but after a minute she started to cry so I picked her up and put her in my lap. She wrapped her arms around as I held her in my arms until she stopped crying.

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