Chapter 24

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It has been a long couple of months between Drake and Lothaire not letting me leave there side but finally, my due date is here. Thank god I might get some time to myself but who knows with Drake. Don't get me wrong I love him but he is very smothering at time.

He has a reason right now so I can't be mad at him but it is very annoying at times. I'm in the kitchen right now getting a drink and hiding from Drake for some air. Once I had blood I leaned my back on the counter and took a drink of blood which I have had to drink even more of.

I will be happy when our baby is born so I can go back to drink normally again. Once I was done I sat the drink down and left for our room. Once there I laid on the bed to relax a bit not that long because the door open which revealed a very pissed off Drake.

I just smiled making him say "You are in so much trouble."


He knew I knew why because I ran away from him to get a breather so I said: "I need air Drake I'm sorry."

He walked over to me, kissed me and said: "I'm just worried angel so stop being so stubborn already."

I chuckled at him and said, "I wouldn't be me if I wasn't stubborn Drake and I know you are worried."

"Fare enough jade."

I kissed him and said, "Drake I know I'm due at any time but you with me twenty-four seven is driving me up a wall."

He touched my stomach making me cover his as he said: "I love you and you are due anytime which is why I'm driving you up a wall."

I chuckled at him but as I started to say something my stomach started to hurt and Drake saw it because he said: "What's wrong angel."

I felt between my legs wet so I said: "I think my water just broke."

He looked at me and said, "You think."

I rolled my eyes said, "It did break."

He picked me up and took me to the room they had prepared for me when I gave birth. He sat me on the bed as I saw the healer come in so I said: "How did you get here already."

"Lothaire told."

I groan "He is such an ease dropper."

Drake chuckled "Don't remind me, angel."

I started to say something but shooting pain when down there so I groan making Drake get behind me and said: "Remember angel just breath."

I groan "Easy for you to say you not the one in pain."

He kissed my neck and said, "When you are in pain so I'm I, angel."

"I know you are."

The healer walked over to me, spread my legs and said 'This may take a bit Jade so just be ready."

I groaned "Let's just get this over with."

She shook her head and I started to push. By god did it hurt and after a bit, Drake gave his blood to give me more strength because I'm so tired. Its been I think five hours since we started and the healer said: "Jade just one more push and it's done OK just one more."

I groan making Drake say "The sooner this is over the faster you can rest angel."

I shook my head did as they both said just to get this over with and once I did we heard a baby crying and the pain somewhat subsided. The healer hand the baby to one of the vampires that Tyler sent to help while I rest body into Drake who had his arms wrapped around me.

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