Chapter 12

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I woke up with Drake holding me close and it felt really good to be in his arms. I felt safe in his arms. I looked at him and saw he was fast asleep. He looks so peaceful right now. I stretched my body out as much as I could and I felt so good. My body feels so much better than yesterday but I'm really hungry.

I looked at Drake again, crawled on him so I was straddling his lap, moved so I was right to the crock of his neck, we're his vein is strongest and sunk my fangs deep into his making me moan from the pleasure his blood gave me. I put my hands in his hair holding him to me as I fed and after a minute I heard Drake groan at me but say nothing.

He just put his hands in my hair holding me as I fed on him. After I was done I pulled my fangs out, licked the wound closed, rested my head on his chest and said: "Sorry to wake you."

I felt his chest vibrate as he growled: "You can wake me like that any time princess."

I chuckled at him, snuggled deep into his chest and said: "How do you feel."

He started to play with my hair as he said: "I feel fine but how are you."

I moved my head so my chin was on his chest and said: "I feel good."

He shook his head and shut his eyes again. So is he tired then because I'm not? I want to get up and stretch some but as I started to he looked at me and said: "Where are you going."

I crawled up to him so I could look him dead in the eye and say "I want to get up but if you want to I can stay."

He put his hand on my hips as he looked me up and down with lust at how I was on him. Which I can't blame him, after all, I'm on all fours right now and now that think about this isn't a good idea but a little late now. He looked me dead in the eye and said: "No if you want we can get up."

I smiled at him as I sat up, put my hands on his chest and said: "I can get up myself if you're tired."

He growled as he sat up, pulled me to him and putting his hands on my lower back making me put my hands on his shoulders and sit up so I was looking down at him. He looked up at me and said: "If you get up then so do I, princess."

I shook my head, put my hands in his hair and leaned down to kiss him. As I did he flipped us so I was on my back and his hands on either side of me. I started to say something but he kissed me first and slipped his tongue into my mouth making me moan softly.

He growled and pulled away so he was just an inch away from my face. He looked at me with both love and lust and said: "Why must you tempted me like this."

I cocked my head and he said: "I mean with your body angel."

He kissed me again and pulled away to say "I want you in every way I can have you but I need to wait till the wedding night."

I leaned up and said, "Why."

He smiled at me and said, "You're not ready but I love the fact you would give yourself to me right now."

I started to say something but he is right. I have only been with one other man which was like 50 years ago so in the vampire world I'm a virgin. Plus he wasn't like Drake at all. Drake is the definition of perfect. I have no idea what it would be like to be with him in bed or if I could even handle him.

Once out of thought I said, "I might never be."

He smiled at me and said, "You will be on our wedding night and even then angel I will be gentle because I know you are going to be tight as hell."

I opened my mouth because I can't believe he just said that. All he did was smile making me turn in his arms so my face was hiding in the pillow. I heard him laugh at me and pick me up so I was on my knees on the bed just as he was and he said: "I love how shy you are."

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