Chapter 6: A new identity

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Immediately we arrived at Quebec, my Aunt told me that my name should be changed to Alice Tonsin while hers will be Phoebe Tonsin.

"Why must must we change our names?, no one knows who we are here!" I said.
"There is something you don't know Ava,Something we've kept from you for a long time,Its High time you are told the truth.
" What is it Aunt?..oh wait,let me guess,Mother wasn't my real Mum,I'm human!!!,I thought as much "I shouted in excitement,causing people to look at me. I forgot that I'm no longer in the coven but in the human world.
" shut it Alice"my Aunt said,flagging down a cab.
"Windsworth street" she told him.
We drove in silence. I attempted to start up a conversation with My Aunt,but she kept on telling me "be quiet".
We arrived at the street. It was a busy street and all the houses were very big.

About an hour later,we arrived at the front of a very big house,it was the biggest in the street and it stood away from other houses. It was a 30 minutes walk to the other house.
My Aunt went inside the house and I followed. The interior was exquisite. Pictures of my parents and grandparents I think filled the room. I know they are my grandparents because the woman in the picture resembled my Mum and I've been told that my Mum looks like my Grand mum. A particular picture caught my attention. It was the picture of two children. I recognized one of them as me,but I don't know who the other is.
" Aunt who is the other baby?"
"So we did live here?" I asked again
"I was born here?"
"And Laura too?"
"Its time we have a discussion"
"Yeah,I have tons of questions for you Aunt"

She didn't reply and I just sighed. She said some magic words and the room cleaned by itself. She told me to sit and I did. She sat beside me and began her story,she said I shouldn't interrupt her.
"The Jenners were the most wealthy and influential family back then. They build this city and called it Quebec,it means Peace in the witch's language. Paul Jenner was the first Male witch from the Jenner family. He came from the family of great female witches and great male warlocks. He built the city with his wife Nora. They had everything, money,power,wealth,fame and respect, yet they weren't happy because they lacked the one thing that they really wanted. A child. 17 years after their marriage, Nora became impatient despite Paul's attempt to calm her. She went to see Fiona,the evil witch. Fiona agreed to help Nora on the condition that every Male witch from the family must be sacrificed to Fiona,else Fiona will come and take everyone. When Paul heard of what Nora did,he was enraged,because the agreement meant that he too would be sacrificed. He later killed Fiona. Miraculously, Nora became pregnant, she had lost all hope of ever bearing a child.
The city prospered in few years time and by then Nora had 5 children,all girls. Jennifer, Millie,Sonia,I and Camille. Your Mother was our eldest sister was the only one to get married. She got married to a witch she met on witch's day. Sonia our youngest sister got missing one day, but after a year she miraculously returned and we welcomed her. That was the year your Mother,my sister got married and the year Nora,my Mother died. Drey,your father,he was a very powerful witch,he lived in this house with us and decided to bear our family's name in order for the Jenners name to continue. Camille and Jennifer were pregnant the same time. Camille was pregnant for a Human, her lover who later died of lung cancer. But Camille gave birth before your Mum.
A few days later,witches were getting sick and dying and the Ancestors refused to reveal the cause of it. You were terribly sick and in the verge of death, and only a human sacrifice could save you, remember we lived in peace with the humans. Your mother said she had no choice and she butchered a whole family, leaving only a child,she said it was to protect the family. Then the humans rebelled,they went to meet a powerful warlock who gave them something that could kill the witches. It became a battle between the humans and the witches, and the humans lost. Our people were killed en masse and then your Mom led the survivors to our safe lair, the coven, where no human can ever step in to" She said and looked at me.
"So miss Ava or Alice you are a witch and not a human,Laura has a human blood unlike you." she said
"Oh" I sighed.
"Hence the change of names,there may still be some humans alive out there who knew of the Jenners. So on no condition must you tell anyone that you are a Jenner,if possible do not tell them that you live here,though I already changed the papers of the house to belong to Alice Tonsin".
" Aunt,at that party,I didn't do the magic,I don't know who did it"I said.
"Uhhh,I didn't do it too,maybe it was just Someone in the crowd trying to help you" she said.
"Aunt,why did we leave and why did you hurt Aunt Millie? And I heard her say something about my life being in danger"
"We left because it was the only way to survive,Millie was practicing dark magic,she would've killed me and channel my powers and she could do something terrible to you,in this place,we are safe,I already made a cloaking spell for us,no witch would be able to find us" she said.
"Oh" I said
"I would've taken Laura with us but she lives with Millie and I know that Millie must've done something to her" My Aunt said and I was glad that Laura didn't come with us. She is such a bitch.
"Aunt, why is Laura mean to me?" I asked
"I don't know, you used to be very close" she said."I promised your mum that no matter what,I'll keep you safe,so until I know how to defeat Millie,you are going to live a normal life here"
"Okay,great" I said

"I uh applied for you to resume school next week at Quebec college. I want you to live a normal life and should anyone ask you where you lived before, you lived in Ottawa, but you are from Quebec. The college isn't that far from here,so you will go from home." My aunt said and I was shocked,I haven't ever been to a school before,unlike Laura and the mean girls who dropped out of High school.
" What about my High school leaving certificate? " I asked.
"Its been taken care of" she said.
"What will I study?"
"Public ethics"
Great!!!,this is simply great,now I have to live like Alice Tonsin.


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