Chapter 8: Welcome home

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After seeing the letter,I immediately called my Aunt and she came in less than five minutes,I think she teleported. She said some magic words for a while before she turned to me and said "we have to be careful,if this was done by Millie,then she is even more powerful than we thought".
" What if it wasn't done by her,say someone else sent this?" I asked.
"Then we have an even more bigger threat" she said.
"But I thought this place is protected,you told me that No witch will be able to find us here" I said.
"I did the cloaking spell,only a very powerful dark magic can find us,I didn't know that she was this powerful" she said.
"Aunt, we aren't safe here" I said.
"You are safe,the magic I did will make it possible such that even if any witch see you,they won't be able to attack you" she said.
"That means I can still go to school!" I said excitedly at the prospect of me living a normal life.
"Oh yes, how was your first day at school?" She asked me smiling.
"Not bad, the only bad thing was that I met professor bald headed Murphy and an asshole" I said not at all excited.
"You made new friends?" She asked.
"No,I'm not interested,I mean I was,but I don't think I'll ever find a true friend" I said shrugging.
"You will,give it a trial" she said. After a few minutes of silence she said "I need you to go to the supermarket, this is the list of what you'll buy" she said giving me a paper which contained the list.

The Cab driver seemed strange,he kept on staring at me with an expression I couldn't read.
"Umm is there any problem?,you've been staring at me strangely for a while now" I said to the Man after a few minutes of ignoring him.
He kept mute and was still looking at me strangely from the rear view mirror.
"Please stop staring at me,I don't like it" I said again. He still kept mute.
"You don't speak English?, stop staring at me!!!" I shouted this time and He turned back and looked at me and I screamed and quickly opened the door and ran out. He had a very large mouth and extremely large nose and he had a another eye on his cheeks.
I was breathing very hard when I felt hands on my shoulders. I screamed again,thinking that it was the scary man until I heard a familiar voice.
"Relax ,its just me,you look like someone that ran a marathon" He said. Well you guessed right it was Tim.
"Quebec is filled with strange people, can I not just have a minute without worrying that I'll meet another strange person!" I shouted.
"Relax,I'm not strange,what strange people are you talking about?" He asked.
"A man with a big mouth and big nose and 3 eyes,I can't believe I entered his cab" I said.
"There is no such man in this city,maybe you saw wrong" he said.
"I'm telling you I saw him,I wasn't hallucinating,I just have extremely rotten luck" I said.
"I know everyone in this city, there is no such man like that" he said again.
"Not everyone,you don't know me" I said.
"Yeah,but I know that two people are new in this town,they came last week and I'm guessing that's you and your Mum" he said.
"That....,how do you know that?" I asked.
"I was born here,I grew up here,I know everything about this place, if you wish I'll show you around" he said
"Uhhh,next time, I have to go to the supermarket"
"Come I'll take you, it's not far we can walk,then I'll take you home in my car,so that you won't see another strange cab driver."
"Okay,I'm only allowing you to walk me there because I don't know where it is and I don't trust those taxi drivers,I don't trust you too but at least I can tolerate you,you do not have 3 eyes".
He started laughing and I got angry. " you don't believe me?,its fine,but I'm saying the truth"
"Fine, let's go" he said and we walked. He kept on showing me places till we got to the supermarket.
He was nice,he's nice if he wasn't acting like a total dickhead.
We went to the place where he kept his car and he drove me home. Of course, I didn't let him drive me to my house, I simply told him to drop me at the last house before mine.
He was smiling when I pointed at the house that he should drop me.
"Why are you smiling?"
"Bye" I said,expecting him to enter his car and drive away but he was just standing there and smirking.
"Go!!" I told him.
"Nah,I'll wait till you are inside before I'll leave,so you won't see another person with 3 eyes" he said still smirking.
I am in trouble, how do I get out of the this mess!!!. I went to the door of the house, at least if he sees me pressing the door bell,he'll leave,but I was far from wrong because he was still standing there and beckoning on me to go in.
The door was opened by a girl about my age,she was about to ask me something when I asked her in a low whisper "Is Aunt Addy in?" And she looked puzzled before she nodded her head and told me to come inside and as I was about to enter inside I looked back to see Tim following me. "Tim,why the hell are you following me?" I said in a whisper.
"Welcome to my home" he said.

What the hell!!!. Its Tim's house?
She definitely has a lot of explaining to do.

Picture above is Tim. That's how I picture him,but you can picture him anyhow you like. But he is a few years older than Ava.



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