Chapter 7

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A/N: George goes on a vacation. John uses his phone again.

"See you later, ok? And have fun!"

"I'll call you!" George kissed me one last time before getting into the car. He was off to do some photo shoot modeling new clothes with Pattie, and would be gone for half a week. It was all part of John's master plan.

Apparently, if they spent enough time together, they would inevitably fall in love. I doubted half a week was enough time, but John hated to be told he was wrong, so he could let them figure it out.

I walked back inside and called John.

"George gone yet?"

"You're not even gonna say hi to me first?"

"Hi. Is George-

"He just left."

"I'll be there soon."

"Don't you have anything better to do than wait around for me?"

John laughed. "See you in 20 minutes." He hung up. I put away some of the mess lying around to kill time. Not like I had to clean for Lennon. It also let me put my mind on something else because, well... I was nervous. I hadn't been alone with John since the party, which was a couple weeks ago.

Just then, the door was knocked. Surprising. He still had some manners. When I opened the door, John was on the porch. Once inside and the door was shut, he kissed me.

"I missed you," he admitted.

"You've seen me."

"Not alone like this, though. Kept thinking about when I fucked you in that dressing room."

"How romantic. You really know how to charm a lady, don't you Lennon?"

"Seems to be working on you. Where's the bedroom in this place?"

"I forgot we've never done this here. C'mon." I grabbed his hand and led him into the bedroom. Once there, I closed the door and laid on the bed on my side.

"Show me how much you missed me." John got on the bed and ran his hand up my side.

"We have all the time in the world, John. I don't want you to rush." He wetted his lips.

"You know I don't like to go slow."

"For me, love? Won't you?" I flashed him my best puppy dog eyes. The truth was, I didn't care about the speed. I just wanted John to beg.

"You're the worst." He kissed me. I grabbed the collar of his shirt and deepened the kiss. My breath hitched when John took my lower lip between his teeth and lightly bit down. Leaving his collar, my hand flew to his hair and the other to this back, pulling him down on top of me.

I pulled John's shirt off and crashed back into him. John's warm hand touched my inner thigh and moved up higher. He pressed down and I breathed in sharply. John's fingers kneaded against me. Fuck.

"No, John." I lightly pushed him back, confusion on his face. "I don't want to cum right away."

"A little fingering won't make you cum." He rolled his eyes.

"Lay on your back, John."


"I have an idea," I said, getting up. John's eyes trailed me as I went into the closet and grabbed one of George's ties.

"Care to share?"

"Not really." I got on the bed, sitting on John's lap. He was already hard.

"What're you gonna do with that tie?" I just winked at him.

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