Chapter 11

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A/N: Shit hits the fan again in this chapter. Paul just wants to be alone.

A few hours of cuddling later the phone rang. I picked up the phone, getting flashbacks to when John called me on my wedding night. Our first night together, except George wasn't next to me. John was. I shook those thoughts from my mind and answered the phone.


"Hey, it's Paul."

"Oh. Hey Paul."

"George is over my house right now. He told me everything that happened."


"Yeah. He wants to talk to you and John."

"Together?" I asked nervously.

"You two can come together, even though I'm sure you already have...But he wants to talk to you separately."

"Not the time for jokes, Paul. But we'll be right over."

"That's where you're wrong. It's times like these where we especially need jokes my dear!"

"Whatever you say, Paul. See you soon."

"Alright. See you soon."

I hung up the phone and turned to face John.

"We've got to go to Paul's house."


"George is there and he wants to talk to us."

"Us? As in me?"

"Yeah and not only that. He wants to talk to each of us alone.

"Fuck. He's gonna try to kill me."

"You could take him."

"Luv, I know I could. That's why I said try."

We shared a laugh and then I got dressed. I grabbed my purse and we headed over to Paul's house.

I stood in front of the door. This was going to be intense, but I had to get it over with. I looked over at John. He just nodded. I turned back at the door. And after a couple more seconds, I knocked.

Paul opened the door.

"Hey guys. Come in. George's in the living room."

We walked in and George looked up at me from where he sat on the couch. He didn't look angry or even sad, he just looked disappointed. Then he looked over at John. If looks could kill...Jesus Christ...John would be dead.

"We need to talk. In private."

"Why in private? You a poof or something? You gonna try to fuck me? Sorry mate, I don't swing that way."

Paul and I looked at each other, shocked at what John said. George gritted his teeth.

"We need to talk. In private," he repeated. With that, he walked into the bedroom.

"Well I guess I should go in after him. But why the bedroom? I'm not gonna fuck him."

"Probably cause he wants to close the door," I replied.

"Cause he wants to fuck me."

"John, you're stalling, get in there," I said, really wanting this to be over with.

"Fine." He walked into the room.

I walked over shortly after, planning to eavesdrop. I pressed my ear against the door. I didn't hear anything, but I imagined that George was giving John the death glare. But then George said something.

"You fucked my wife."

"Are you new? I think this has been made pretty clear."

"How long has this been going on?"

"Don't you know all this already? Why am I here?"

"I wanna hear your side of the story."

"Fine. Since your wedding night."

"She didn't tell me it was on our fucking wedding night. Jesus Christ...Why? Why did you do it?"

"I called to check up on you both. She answered and told me that you two went at it and that you couldn't finish the job. So, I stepped in and saved the day."

"This whole thing started cause I couldn't get her off? Why didn't she talk to me?"

"You fell asleep."

"How many times?"

"How many times what? How many times have I fucked your wife? Or how many times have I gotten her to cum? Because I've gotten her to cum multiple times in one session, though I don't expect you to understand that."

"How many times have you to fucked? I don't wanna know how many times you made her cum."

"Six times."

"Jesus Christ."

"You've been saying that a lot lately. I didn't know you were so religious?"

"Sod off."

"No you sod off. You're the one with all the questions!"

"Shut up!"

After George said that I heard the sound of a punch. I waited 10 seconds to make it seem like I was waiting in the living room. Then, I opened the door. It seemed as though George punched John, then John punched him back, and then John pushed George against the wall. John had George by his shoulders pushed him as deep into the wall as he could.

"How could you do this to me?"

"It's not me fault that sometimes me feelings cloud me judgement."

"Feelings? What feelings? You don't have any feeling for her she's just another fuck toy to you."

George turned his head and looked at me.

"He doesn't love you. He's gonna treat you like shit. You don't know the way that he treated all the birds before you!"

"She's different!" John yelled as he punched George in the nose.

I was frozen. I don't know why I didn't stop the fight, but luckily I didn't have to because Paul came running into the room. When he saw what was happening, he ripped John off George and threw him onto the bed. Then he examined George's face.

"You okay?"

"I'm fine," George said as he pushed past Paul and walked over to where John was now sitting.

"Do you really love her?"

"I do. I've never felt this way about a bird before."

George looked back at me. "Well then you have me blessing. Obviously I'm not happy about the circumstances, but you two seem to love each other. And you're gonna be able to give her things that I can't, so I wish you two the best, but there is one thing I need to say." He turned to me. "I want a divorce."

I couldn't help but giggle "That can be arranged."

"Alright then. Well I guess I'll see you around. I'm gonna get out of Paul's hair and I suggest you two do too. He's dealt with us enough today."

He walked out of the door. I felt an arm around my shoulders. I looked up at John and kissed him on the lips. Paul coughed.

"Go home."

"Where?" I asked, knowing full well I couldn't just waltz into George's house, because it was no longer my house. Of course my stuff was there and there were still some things that needed to be sorted out, but I didn't want to put all that pressure on George. Not right now at least.

"We can go to my house," John said with a wink.

"I don't care where you go. Just get out of my house!" Paul pleaded.

"Alright, alright. We're leaving. Bye Macca."


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