The Beach

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Max slammed into the body of a tree.

The rough bark left deep scratches in his exposed flesh, leaving him shell shocked and with pain shooting through him like electricity, but a blurred second later Max was flying through the air again.

The impact upon the second tree splintered his right leg.

Max's scream was lost as he cascaded to the rocks at the bottom of the hill. He crashed into them mercilessly. His jaw bashed onto a jagged boulder, crunching horribly, making him spit a cup full of blood, prolonging his cry of animalistic pain.

The hill grew steeper.

He rolled uncontrollably for what felt like at least twenty minutes at breakneck speed, his life flashing before his eyes. Finally his vision couldn't take the constant spinning and the pain made the corners of his eyes blotchy and Max allowed himself to black out.


When he finally came to, he realised it was due to the pain in his head and leg. He didn't open his eyes. Instead he lay completely still and tried to keep his breathing even.

He was warm and dry; he didn't think he was outside anymore. A deep breath in through his nose told him he was no longer near the trees. He smelt salt and dry wood. Listening, he heard the low crackle of a small fire, gulls calling not far away, and the steady beat of the sea washing over the sand repeatedly.

Max frowned, trying to crack open his bloody eyes, and shifted a little- causing a wave of agony to wash over him. He bit his tongue to stop from crying out and finally eased his eyes open so that he could see a soft light filtering through his lids.

It was morning, but only just. He sensed the presence of others in the room with him.

"Wh..." he coughed, his voice scratchy and raw. He tasted metal. It hurt to speak, or even move his mouth properly. Max opened his eyes all the way, blinking quickly, to see himself beside a fire in a sandy floored wood cabin, lying on a sofa. He scowled. "The fuck?"

He heard a smash from somewhere close by and winced at the loud noise.

"Garnet!" Came a shrill voice. "Did he just say what I thought he said? Cover your ears Steven!"

Max and the Crystal Gems Where stories live. Discover now