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A/N For this chapter, it would really be better but you have watched Steven Universe, because I don't think you'll really understand what happens otherwise. Just thought I'd mention it coz I know some of the lovely readers haven't seen it (L12rich) because they think it's a children's show! How very wrong they are. Anyways, like I said, it doesn't really matter, but it would be easier.

Steven pelted down the twisting corridors, shouting the names of the gems. He so hoped they had regenerated.

"Pearl!" He yelled. "Garnet! Amethyst!"

"Steven?" Came a faint call. Steven stopped running so the sound of his footsteps wouldn't block out the gems' voices.


"Steven, where are you?"

"I'm here!" Steven set off running towards the sound of the voice. "Keep talking!"
He followed it down a few more twisting corridors until he turned a sharp corner and came to a jarring halt before Pearl, Amethyst and Garnet. Garnet had reformed into a beautiful long sleeved navy blue jumpsuit, the sleeves puffy, with a crimson star splashed across her chest.

"Steven!" They cried, rushing forward and embracing him tightly.

"Are you okay?" Pearl asked frantically. "Are you hurt? Where are the others?"

"I'm fine," Steven said quickly. "Honestly. Are you?"

"We're all... surprisingly... fine," Garnet said. "We were separated in those cages, but suddenly the electrocuting wall just vanished."

"It'll be because I poofed Jasper!" Said Steven.

"What?" Said Amethyst.

"What?" Said Garnet.

"WHAT?!" Screamed Pearl.

"I... Uh... I poofed Jasper," Steven said sheepishly. "Well, David did most of it- he hit her with a chair and she was knocked out. I poofed and bubbled her. The cages must have deactivated when I did it."

"Steven, that's amazing!" Amethyst said excitedly, hugging him.

"Very impressive," Garnet patted him on the shoulder and smiled approvingly.

"Incredible," Pearl laughed, pulling him into a hug too.

"Thanks," Steven blushed. "Shall we get back?"

"Yeah-" Amethyst began, but she was cut off by a far off call, shouting,

"Steven! Help!"

"That sounds like David," Garnet said seriously. "Let's go."


It took them a while to get back to David. When they finally found him, he was crouched on the floor.

"David?" Steven called, hurrying over. "What's happened? Where's Ma--"

That's when he saw the body lying on the floor.

His heart stopped for a moment and then went began pumping frantically. His stomach felt very empty and cold. Max... not little Max... so much had happened to him already- it wasn't fair...

Pearl, at Steven's shoulder, gasped.

"Oh no..." breathed Amethyst.

David was pushing down with all his might on Max's tiny stomach, from which blood oozed copiously. Max was unconscious, his face paling to ashen as he lost more and more blood. Beside them lay Daniel's small, jagged dagger.

Max and the Crystal Gems Where stories live. Discover now