Ending Credits

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Dedicated to L12rich coz she's a little rat xxx

When Max could stand, David helped him shakily walk over to the rubble and exit the ship, the others following just behind. As they walked, they passed a girl standing on the beach. She was wearing a navy blue tunic and had waist length, dark blonde hair, which cascaded down her back. She was pale, pretty, and had startlingly blue eyes.

"You can't see the hat if the hat can't see you," she said as they walked past her, tapping the side of her nose wisely.

"Urm..." David said.

"Don't you wish you could go to sleep and never wake up?" The girl said.

"Keep walking," Garnet said, sheparding them past the girl. "Don't look her in the eyes."

They passed her.

"So... what now?" Steven asked hesitantly, looking around.

David sighed.

"Well, I need to make some phone calls, arrange this whole mess."

"Where... where am I going to go now?" Max asked quietly, looking at his pink, scarred hands. David knew he was thinking about his parents.

"Max can stay with us!" Steven suddenly cried. "For as long as he likes. So can you, David. The Temple's plenty big enough. And if we struggle, I'm sure Bismuth would be more than happy to add an extension!"

David smiled.

"Oh, Steven, that's such a kind offer, but I'm sure the Gems don't want us invading their home-"

"It's not a problem!" Pearl said cheerily. "Steven's right; there's plenty of room, and I can draw up a new chores chart! Oh, how exciting."

"Yeah, c'mon dudes, it'll be fun!" shouted Amethyst.

"It sounds fine to me," Garnet said with a tiny smile.

Max looked at David.

"What do you think?"

"Well, I mean, there's isn't really that much room in my apartment..." David hesitated. "This does sounds kind of perfect. As long as we're not intruding?"

"Not at all," Pearl said quickly. "Oh, do stay, I'm already planning the bathroom rota in my head!"

Max grinned.

"Okay," he said. "We'll stay here. Thank you."

"Hurray!" Steven cried, rushing forwards and hugging Max tightly.

And Max hugged him back.

"Um, Max?" David said quietly when they broke apart and started walking back towards the Temple. "How would you feel about me becoming your legal guardian?"

Max stopped walking.

"What?" He whispered.

David froze, terrified.

"I mean- I get it if-"

"You... you want to be my guardian?"

David blinked.

"Well, yes, of course I do."

"...why?" Max's voice was very small.

David grabbed Max's hand. He pulled him into a tight hug and could feel Max trembling, although the boy didn't pull away.

"It's got to be you," Max said into David's chest, his voice muffled. "It's always been you. Who else could it be?"

"Okay Max..." he cleared his throat. "Th- thank you. I'll sort out the paperwork when we get back to the Temple. You can come back to camp in the summer and we can stay here and my apartment alternatively. Does that sound okay?"

Max nodded, his forehead rubbing against David's navel. They broke apart and Max hastily wiped his face as they started walking back after Steven and the Gems.

Max tentatively reached up and took hold of David's hand.

"Thank you... Dad."

The End.

Max and the Crystal Gems Where stories live. Discover now